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Messages - bloodline

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello
« on: April 23, 2017, 08:27:55 AM »
Hello :) My name is Kamil and I live in Katowice in Poland. Im 27 years old and I work for big audit corporation as a process specialist.

UO was my first multiplayer game via internet, Q2 or starcraft on icafe doesnt count! When I was a kid, I lived in small village so it was difficult to get the internet, but when this day came i spend whole night @ downloading, installing and patching UO. It was like 13 years ago, but I remember this like it was yesterday ;) I stoped play UO in prob 2009 because I always played on free shards and shard died, the I switch to World of Warcraft or Counter-Strike. Now, after so many years, my friends from the Ultima's time called me, that they gonna start with new free shard, and they're gathering people to play, so I cant refuse them! When I heard music from Luna after so many years, I just felt like a kid again. All these ppl have now their own families, kids etc but memeries strikes again!

I'm kind of hardcore farmer and every game i've played I was almost full stacked ;p I belive that crafters are probably most important characters in almost every MMORPG. My PVM characters is ABC archer.

I hope that you guys have also nice memories connected to this game and I don't know what to say more, have a nice day!

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