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Messages - yucka

Pages: 1 [2]
Off Topic / Re: 10 Quotes Men Should Live By
« on: July 16, 2010, 08:27:21 AM »
I agree with Paulonius.


General UO Chat / Re: Favorite UO Newbie Moment
« on: July 14, 2010, 07:44:51 PM »
Spamming at the bank that I wanted to find a rares vendor in Fel... I had been told that rares were cheaper there. A nice nude man on a horse gated me to his house, then sent his horse to attack me, it trapped me on the porch of a cabin and I was killed by a regular horse.

Looting someone in a dungeon thinking it was a monster corpse and pissing off a whole guild.

Buying a dye tub in a bag that had pure black yarn balls on top of it. *facepalm*


Off Topic / Re: Kindle or IPad
« on: July 12, 2010, 10:41:54 PM »
One correction about the kindle specs jtw, it does have speakers and can even "read" the books to you.  I plug it into my car audio system when I drive to work so I can read and drive.

I only own the 6" kindle, and that's just $189.

Out of curiosity, how does it sound when it reads a book? I listen to a lot of audio books on the road, would it be good enough for long trips?


General UO Chat / Re: SSI Calc or formula?
« on: July 12, 2010, 10:25:25 PM »
I always found this helpful Stratics Weapons... Pretty helpful when you can compare multiple weapons at a time.


Scripting Chat / Re: tandj99's BoD Filling Script
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:24:31 AM »
Very cool, thank you much!


Scripting Chat / tandj99's BoD Filling Script
« on: July 11, 2010, 11:01:03 PM »
I have been trying to find a copy of tandj99's BOD filling script that was once posted on I used this script awhile ago, and basically it coupled with Snicker7's BOD script from EasyUO. I've searched everywhere I know to, I even used the "waybackmachine" to see if I might be able to find a hint off of I also sent tandj99 a message over a week ago, asking if he might be able to send it to me, but I never got a response either way. Anyways, if someone could maybe point me in the right direction, or perhaps PM me a copy of it I would greatly appreciate it.



New member introductions / Re: Intro
« on: August 03, 2009, 02:40:04 PM »
Thank you both for the welcome!


New member introductions / Intro
« on: August 03, 2009, 02:27:41 PM »
Hello, yucka here... Was trying to download OMGBurgers taming script when I realized I needed at least one post to do so, so what better place than here? I have been playing Ultima Online for about 9 years now kind of off and on. I have always been on the Catskills shard and have done a little of everything from RP to faction PvP, just depends on my mood I suppose. I started using scripting tools about 3 years into UO because my account was hacked and they deleted all my characters, so not wanting to retrain by hand I eventually found EasyUO. During that time I also found where I soon became a bug tester. Later I "retired" as a bug tester there on good terms to become a bug tester at, but that is all ancient history I suppose. I've tried my hand a few times at scripting but it is not my cup of tea so I will apologize in saying I won't be contributing to the community in that way. However I do try to at least give feedback on the scripts I use. All in all I stay pretty quite on the boards unless I feel like I have something constructive to say. I look forward to getting to know the community here a little better.


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