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Messages - JoO

Pages: [1] 2
was writing a script to control a second client was planning on using buff bar icons to monitor the condition of the slave client. I am having an issue though. Take this simplified version of a healing script.

Code: [Select]
if #hits < 90
call scanbuffbar
if _Healing_ in %BuffBarIconNames
msg healing$
wait 10
goto top
event macro 58
wait 20
goto top
It will run fine on the first pass but if I damage myself again it seems to not detect the healing icon any longer. It will simply try to bandage me over and over. What am I doing wrong here? I feel like monitoring bandage status via buffbar is by far the most reliable method I just seem to be hung up on this.

Stealth Snippets\Library / Re: [C# Example] Events in Stealth
« on: June 27, 2015, 08:19:59 AM »
Does anyone have a working snippet that will print the events? I am desperately trying to get the healing icon ID, I am just no good at C#.

Edit: NM I got what I needed with uospy.

UOSteam / Re: Buff Icon ID
« on: June 26, 2015, 04:19:04 PM »
I tried to run a script or two to do just that from a thread here. I kept getting syntax errors when I would start the script that 8 had copy/pasted.

UOSteam / Buff Icon ID
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:47:26 PM »
Does anyone have a complete list of buff icon id's for UOSteam? I am trying to get it to read the healing icon.

Any chance to get the "City Trade Deal" buff added? I activated it on my sampire tonight and it broke all the scripts that relied on the buffbar scanner.

Scripting Chat / Re: Event pathfind falling through the ground
« on: March 12, 2013, 03:56:15 PM »
lol SORRY MR WIZARD!!! :'( ;D

I finally solved my issues! I incorporated a journal check for can't get there and used razor to resync with server. Works great.

Scripting Chat / Re: Event pathfind falling through the ground
« on: March 11, 2013, 05:03:01 PM »
does that basically resync me with the server?

Scripting Chat / Re: Event pathfind falling through the ground
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:10:48 PM »
That's the conclusion I came to as well. I figured everytime it tried to pathfind it was trying to get that Z axis. So I have omitted the Z and am currently testing. Thanks for the input!

Scripting Chat / Event pathfind falling through the ground
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:11:14 PM »
Building a taming script to pathfind to my prospective tames and follow them while taming with event pathfind. I am having issues on bumpy terrain with falling through the ground. Is this some weird hiccup with the Z axis? I can run over these areas fine but when my script pathfinds over them I fall through and some of them I can't walk back out of. Just curious if anyone had any experience with this.

hmm. I haven't seen that. My client is completely gone as if I hit altf4. My issue always seem to occur at one particular location. Which just so happens to be the only place I move my character. I am going to experiment with spamming the keys the EUO move command uses and see if any of them will close my client. I guess I could also just change it to pathfinding.

I just started playing UO after a multi year hiatus. I have been experiencing a recall "crash" as well. I wrote a script to farm a certain type of monster, loot them, recall away from reds and grays and bank my loot. I have tried to watch my script to debug the issue but I guess the watched pot truely never boils. I usually set it to go overnight come back the next morning and my UO client has completely dissapeared as opposed to the traditional greyed out crash screen I have seen from bad exevent execution. I have a 3 second delay put in after I arrive at my recall destination but I still get the crash every night.

 Is this the same type of crash you guys/gals are having? I am using windows 7 64bit playing on a runuo server. I am using S7's recall sub.  I am using "move" to position myself once I reach my destination. I wonder if I am hitting a world save at times.

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Finder v1.6
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:42:13 PM »
Im sure this script is getting alot of mileage right now   :P

Inactive Submissions / EZ Shadowlord attacker for Tamers.
« on: July 25, 2009, 07:48:20 AM »
Well since they have randomized the spawn and you need to be on the move I made this little script so that I could run around on a hiryu on my tamer and be quick about hopping on the SL.
I actually get the armageddon off pretty often with it which is no small feat on my server. Just have some blackrock in your pack and get within 8 tiles of the SL. Its nothing fancy but figured it might be helpfull for those who play servers where there is always 30 Gdrags standing on top of it.

Code: [Select]
;JoO's Shadowlord Tamer Helper
;Made for

set %shadowlord CZ

finditem %shadowlord G_8
if #findkind = -1
goto loop
msg Vas Kal An Mani In Corp Hur Tym$
set #lobjectid #charid
event macro 17
wait 50
set #ltargetid #findid
msg all kill$
event macro 22
ignoreitem #findid

General UO Chat / Re: Your UO SA client impressions
« on: July 23, 2009, 01:05:33 PM »
Ive only spent about 20 minutes on it but I feel much the same as TM. Here are my pros and cons.

1. I feel like the movement animation on preloaded terrain is worlds better than previous 3desque clients.
2. I really enjoy the spell animations.
3. Movement around small pathblocking objects is good.
I share most of the same cons as TM my limited playtime has alot to do with that though Im sure. Why does my swamp dragon look like someone threw up a spinach salad?

New member introductions / Re: Hello
« on: July 23, 2009, 12:50:03 PM »
Lynk is my padawan and resident stratics postaholic.

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