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Messages - NecroFox

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Scripting Chat / Re: is there a way
« on: August 22, 2011, 02:16:18 PM »
ah ok i see tyvm

as for coding

Code: [Select]
finditem %bait C_ , #backpackid
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
wait 10
finditem %pole C_ , #backpackid
set #ltargetid #findid
event macro 22 0

it wont target the pole but i set it as the last target then the code clicks the last target why wont it set the bait?
or is that coded wrong?

Scripting Chat / Re: is there a way
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:37:08 PM »
so from the wiki

Code: [Select]
;make a random number between 0 and 99.
set %a #random % 100

;make a random number between a range of two numbers
;set %random1 #random % %increments + #bottom
;%increments is (top# - bottom#) + 1
;#top is the highest number of the range
;#bottom is the lowest number of the range
;example of two random numbers between 3 and 10
set %random1 #random % 8 + 3

Does this mean i can do

set %random_num #random %2

means i can set a random number to choise from 1 to 2?

Scripting Chat / Re: is there a way
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:34:24 PM »
Ty i didn't know what the code name was

Scripting Chat / is there a way
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:13:54 PM »
Is there a way to make a script choise random numbers? if so whats the command for them?

Scripting Chat / Re: Question
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:11:26 PM »
I use Euox for my coding. i am almost done with my script now i will post it here as soon as i get the looting part done and the baiting the line part done.

Scripting Chat / Re: 2-item list
« on: August 21, 2011, 06:07:01 PM »
what is a file emulator?

Scripting Chat / Re: Question
« on: August 21, 2011, 05:43:17 PM »
Oh man, my first scripts sucked so bad!  It took a few months to develop scripts that just did what I needed then to do.  After that, it took a different level of scripting to make something that other people could use because you really needed to "dummy-proof" scripts, and that's no easy thing to do.

Script authoring requires many many hours of practice.  I really hate to admit how many 1000s of hours I've spent doing that..  yikes.

then i guess im in for a long road ahead of me lucky i found a group of people who can help me and of corse give them thanks and included in the script

Scripting Chat / Question
« on: August 21, 2011, 05:24:08 PM »
When you started to script did it fail and not work on you alot? and what did you have it do? How long did it take you to code it and work out all the bugs in it?

New member introductions / Re: NecroFox Introduction Redone
« on: August 21, 2011, 04:54:32 PM »
ty ty

Scripting Chat / Re: 2-item list
« on: August 21, 2011, 04:42:39 PM »
Now that sounds like it will be useful and hard to code.

Site News / Re: SUO Contest!
« on: August 21, 2011, 04:23:09 PM »
Made with Paint and the crop tool on a picture

Hope u all like it

General UO Chat / Re: A public thanks...
« on: August 21, 2011, 03:17:48 PM »
Champ spawn gold adds up fast...

Scripting Chat / Help please
« on: August 20, 2011, 03:09:54 PM »
I have no clue what is messing up on the jurnal check works cause i took out the gosub and put event macro 1 0 fish and it says fish when i catch one. but it will not move the fish to my hold.

Code: [Select]
;This script is my first one ever and i hope it is done correctly.
;If anyone knows how to make it flow better please help.
;I is supost to fish infrount of you then place fish, MIB and Pearls into hold
;Then move forward one. then repeat.

;Seting the different things
; to be added baiting hock, looting serperent, droping scales
Set %Cargo_Hold _XZCC_
Set %Pole _XHF_
Set %Pet_Name Killer
Set %Pet1 ZF
Set %White_Pearl _WWS_
Set %Special_Fish YDF_
Set %dagger _TSF_
set %BigFish _EQD_ZYZ_UYZ_
set %FishStakes HND_IND_
set %MIB _HTD_
set %Scale _UDHB_

event macro 1 0 %Pet_Name guard me

finditem %Pole C_, #backpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
event macro 17 0
target 3s
If #targcurs = 1
      wait 1s
      gosub TargetW
until #charghost = Yes



Sub TargetW
set #LTargetX #charposx - 2
set #LTargetY #charposy
Set #LTargetKind 3
event Macro 22
wait 8s
gosub Jurnal_Check
event macro 24 1
wait 5
event macro 1 0 Forward one

Sub Jurnal_Check
scanjournal 1
If a_deep in #journal || a_sea in #Journal || a_water in #Journal
 gosub Mob
 gosub Shoes
 gosub Check_Fish
If As_you_reel in #journal
gosub Scale
gosub Check_Fish
gosub Shoes
If Your_fishing_pole_bends_as_you_pull in #journal
gosub DeepFish
If You_pull_out_an_item_:_ in #journal
goSub Check_Fish
;wait 20
;gosub Check_Fish2
if a_mess in #journal
gosub Special_Fish
if You_have_Found in #journal
gosub Pearl
goSub Check_Fish
gosub Shoes
If You_pull_out_an_item_:_thigh_boots in #journal || You_pull_out_an_item_:_boots in #journal || You_pull_out_an_item_:_shoes in #journal || You_pull_out_an_item_:_sandals in #journal
gosub Shoes
gosub Pearl

Sub Mob
event macro 1 0 %Pet_Name guard me
wait 15s
gosub Heal
sound play
;gosub Loot_Mob

;Sub Loot_Mob
;findItem YFM G_10
;click #findid d
;FindItem %MIB C_, YFM
;exevent drag #findID
;wait 20
;FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
;exevent dropc #Findid
;wait 20

Sub Shoes
FindItem %Shoes C_, #backpackID
exevent drag #findID
wait 20
FindItem %Pet1 G_4
exevent dropc #Findid
wait 20

Sub Special_Fish
Finditem %Special_Fish C_, #BackpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
set #ltargetKind 1
event macro 17 0

Sub Check_Fish
;FindItem %FishType C_, #backpackID
;exevent drag #findID
;wait 30
;FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
;exevent dropc #Findid
;wait 30

;Sub Check_Fish2
;FindItem %FishType C_, #backpackID
;exevent drag #findID
;wait 30
;FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
;exevent dropc #Findid
;wait 30

Sub Pearl
FindItem %White_Pearl C_, #backpackID
exevent drag #findID
wait 20
FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
exevent dropc #Findid
wait 20

Sub Heal
event macro 15 28
event macro 23 0

Sub DeepFish
finditem %BigFish C_ #backpackid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
finditem %Dagger C_, #backpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
set #ltargetKind 1
event macro 17 0
event macro 1 0 Filleting my fish... ; (Event Macro 1 0 lets you 'say')
event macro 22
gosub Move_steaks
wait 20

sub Move_steaks
wait 20
FindItem %FishStakes C_, #backpackID
exevent drag #findID #findstack
wait 20
FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
exevent dropc #Findid
wait 20

Sub Scale
FindItem %Scale C_, #backpackID
exevent drag #findID #findstack
wait 20
FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
exevent dropc #Findid
wait 20

Scripting Chat / Re: My first scrip and need help seting it up
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:21:42 PM »
How would i scan the ground for a corsps?

Scripting Chat / Re: My first scrip and need help seting it up
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:20:38 PM »
ok so i got all the subs i know how to do made and they work on their own when i test them
But how do i bring them together into a script that flows.
what happens when i doesnt work correctly when i run it as a whole.
I still dont know how to get a jurnal scan working but heres the code.

Code: [Select]
Set %Pole XHF_
Set %White_Pearl WWS_
Set %Scale UDHB_
Set %Special_Fish YDF_
Set %Pet1 TULKGF
Set %Pet2 DADOJD
Set %Cargo_Hold CJF ;Tokno Ship Cargo Hold

finditem %Pole C_, #backpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
event macro 17 0
target 3s
If #targcurs = True
       wait 1s
       event macro 1 0 I love fishing... ; (Event Macro 1 0 lets you 'say')
       event macro 19 0 ; (this will make you salute)
       gosub TargetW

Sub TargetW
set #LTargetX #charposx - 2
set #LTargetY #charposy - 1
Set #LTargetKind 3
event Macro 22
wait 8s
gosub Check_Fish
wait 20
gosub Pearl
wait 20
gosub Shoes
wait 20
gosub Heal
wait 20
event marco 1 0 Forward one

Sub Heal
event macro 15 28
event macro 23 0

Sub Mob
event macro 1 0 Killer Guard Me
wait 10s

Sub Check_Fish
Finditem %FishType C_, #BackpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
exevent drag #lobjectid
wait 20
FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
exevent dropc #Findid

Sub Shoes
FindItem %Shoes C_, #backpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
exevent drag #lobjectid
wait 20
FindItem %Pet2 G_4
exevent dropc #Findid

Sub Pearl
FindItem %White_Pearl C_, #backpackID
set #lobjectID #findID
exevent drag #lobjectid
wait 20
FindItem %Cargo_Hold G_3
exevent dropc #Findid

i think the problem is that i need to put in something that tells it to look for something before i go to the sub. is that my problem?

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4