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New member introductions / Re: INTRO
« on: March 30, 2024, 06:59:52 PM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)

New member introductions / Re: iDoc hunting
« on: March 30, 2024, 12:08:55 PM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)

New member introductions / Re: Howdy Howdy
« on: March 28, 2024, 03:03:21 AM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

Hello =]

Hello! If you are curious about this script, I would suggest going to the new member section. Read the stickied "good intros" and then make your own "good intro" so you can have your restricted access removed.

New member introductions / Re: Hello
« on: March 23, 2024, 02:23:58 PM »
Welcome to SUO!

Go to the new members section, read the "good" intro stickies, then make your own introduction to get the restricted group removed from your account.

New member introductions / Re: Old player, new scripter
« on: March 17, 2024, 03:30:32 PM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

New member introductions / Re: Hello. New Member
« on: March 17, 2024, 05:25:50 AM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)

Make a good intro in the new member section and you will get your restricted status removed and be able to download the script. Make sure to read the stickies of good intros before making yours.

New member introductions / Re: Back from the past
« on: March 14, 2024, 02:14:06 AM »
I've played the game in the late 2008 ... for a couple of years. Leave after I was jailed in game for tell bad words to a scammer. Bad admin in the server.
Returned to live the old good times.
Hope to replay my tamer-mage...

Some extra line of input from an old player. And sorry for the bad english...

I remember when I started this game as a paladin and I didn't understand anything about how to move around the world and kill some monster.
After two years, I had 5 characters divided by type, including one dedicated only to hard work, and a pure wizard.
But what I loved most was the tamer.
Certainly the most difficult character I raised many years ago.
Without the help of the scripts I probably wouldn't have been able to complete all my adventures.

I don't like pvp. I dedicate myself exclusively to pvm and work ... it relaxes me to play and the stress of pvp is not for me.

I don't know why I would like to retry to play at uo... some nostalgic feeling during the lockdown.

Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

Sorry this was missed. Most likely it was because it was edited and not added on to so no one saw that there was anything new. Better late than never though!

New member introductions / Re: I am yenyu from Taiwan
« on: March 14, 2024, 02:10:53 AM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

Scripting Chat / Re: Auto Reg Buyer
« on: March 08, 2024, 10:00:03 AM »
You sometimes have to do some detective work and go to the newest posts and then back track. If you go to this post, you should be good. It always helps to research for older scripts. Most times you will find the answer you are looking for.

A little work can go a long way...

New member introductions / Re: Greetings Fellow Travelers
« on: March 08, 2024, 09:54:24 AM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

New member introductions / Re: My intro..........again
« on: March 07, 2024, 07:04:49 PM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

Scripting Chat / Re: Auto Reg Buyer
« on: March 07, 2024, 07:03:47 PM »
I run this, used it on Origin a month ago

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