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Messages - nekosama

Pages: [1]
Scripting Chat / Re: Crafting menu resolution
« on: October 28, 2008, 04:31:20 AM »
Ok, I got it now, thank you!

I guess what I did wrong, was I attempted to reposition the crafting gump THEN give it offsets in hard coordinate form.

Code: [Select]
sub makebox
finditem carptool C_ , #backpackid ; finds carp tool in pack
if #findkind = -1
             display OK You have no Jointing Planes on you
set %jointplane #findid
set #lobjectid %jointplane
finditem wood C_ , %backpackid
if #findcnt < 10
             display OK You need at least 10 boards to make a box, you have #findcnt.
event macro 17
wait 2s
contpos 0000 0000 ; location of gump
wait 1s
click 0000 0000 ; click containers
wait 1s
click 0000 0000 ; click wooden box
wait 2s
click 0000 0000 ; closes gump

Of course, I left the script that actually had the values for tools, resources and coordinates in them at home, but this is the basic format I used when I wrote this portion from work.

Thank you for the snippets, I will rework the script to go with offsets instead of coordinate value.

Scripting Chat / Crafting menu resolution
« on: October 27, 2008, 07:50:23 PM »
I had written a simple script for a friend. I play on my machine at 800x600.

But when I call out the locations for menu buttons i.e. use jointing plane, then click on container and click on wood box, it works fine on 2 of my computers, but it doesn't fit the resolution of their screen (also at 800x600).

Is there a way to scan the menu and set the positions without having to hard code it into the script before hand?

Questing / Re: Heartwood Quester feedback thread
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:02:51 AM »
Ok, I live in Texas but I play on Napa, so there's a bit of latency there.

After watching it for a while longer, I think... I have found my problem.

My main crafter is doing Heartwood while I have another mule doing lumberjacking (hey, gotta support the habbit somehow!). The LJ client is recalling in and out like crazy (seperate computer). EVERYTIME the crash has happened, the LJ is at the house, about 2 tiles away from the Heartwood client's recall spot.

Now I know that sounds pretty coincidental.  So I tested it by moving my LJ to the bank (thank god for commodity boxes, thanks EA.) and since that point I have had 0 crashes over 100+ runs.

I'll chalk it up to memory leak, bad timing... heck, even bad mojo.  But the problem resolved itself.

Thanks for the replies!

Questing / Re: Heartwood Quester feedback thread
« on: September 21, 2008, 03:09:24 AM »
Having a small problem with the sub to recall from home to heartwood.

UO crashes everytime on recall.

I'm on a OSI Production shard.  The script will recall in the first time with no problem, do the quests til empty then recall home with no problem as well.  The UO crash comes after it restocks and sets the new default rune then recalls.  It shows me still at home, however, when I log back in, it shows me south of the portal.  Could there be a timing issue between the casting of recall and the setting of the default rune?

Where would I put a slightly longer pause?

Games & Game Systems / Re: Any Final Fantasy XI Players?
« on: September 07, 2008, 01:41:54 PM »
I still have that game! My NES doesn't work and I'm sure the battery in the game itself is long dead, but I also have the updated version for the DS. I was a HUGE Final fantasy freak back in the day.  Played all the ones I could get my hands on.

Games & Game Systems / Any Final Fantasy XI Players?
« on: September 07, 2008, 11:56:45 AM »
What isn't to love about ffxi?

Well, to simplify the answer, I've come up with some comparissons.

UO: Most female characters are male UNLESS they have a husband/boyfriend who already plays UO.
FFXI: Um... well most mithra are... Manthra.

UO: Travel is easy, fast and in most cases, instant.
FFXI: Get to mog house, change jobs, switch gear, run to Auction House to get food, supplies to level and/or farm, put up party flag and wait... 60 minutes later, when you wake up from having your head on your desk with a big red mark on your forehead, you scroll back through your chat log to see the 4 party invites you missed. So instead, you change jobs again, switch gear, run to outpost, outpost to area, get to area to find there are nothing but RMT and/or already 4 parties all camping the same thing.

So... who still plays FFXI?  I do! <3

New member introductions / Returning, somewhat slowly, to UO. Greetings!
« on: September 07, 2008, 11:33:52 AM »
My account is only 89 months, but has been registered since 98.  I play on an OSI shard, North American.  Was taking a break from UO right after ML came out so I have alot of catching up to do.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello :)

Questing / Re: Heartwood Quester feedback thread
« on: September 07, 2008, 11:26:07 AM »
BTW, I added a snippet to automatically get more recall scrolls from my house as well.  My crafter has no room for more than 60 magery (after jewels) so I rely mainly on scrolls inside my book.

If anyone would like that portion of code, please PM me.

Questing / Re: Heartwood Quester feedback thread
« on: September 07, 2008, 04:44:29 AM »
Returning player here ^^

This is a very useful script, and I thank thee.

I have been using the craftmatic and it's so much nicer not to have to restock the beetle manually.  Thanks again, cheers!

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