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Topics - nekosama

Pages: [1]
Scripting Chat / Crafting menu resolution
« on: October 27, 2008, 07:50:23 PM »
I had written a simple script for a friend. I play on my machine at 800x600.

But when I call out the locations for menu buttons i.e. use jointing plane, then click on container and click on wood box, it works fine on 2 of my computers, but it doesn't fit the resolution of their screen (also at 800x600).

Is there a way to scan the menu and set the positions without having to hard code it into the script before hand?

Games & Game Systems / Any Final Fantasy XI Players?
« on: September 07, 2008, 11:56:45 AM »
What isn't to love about ffxi?

Well, to simplify the answer, I've come up with some comparissons.

UO: Most female characters are male UNLESS they have a husband/boyfriend who already plays UO.
FFXI: Um... well most mithra are... Manthra.

UO: Travel is easy, fast and in most cases, instant.
FFXI: Get to mog house, change jobs, switch gear, run to Auction House to get food, supplies to level and/or farm, put up party flag and wait... 60 minutes later, when you wake up from having your head on your desk with a big red mark on your forehead, you scroll back through your chat log to see the 4 party invites you missed. So instead, you change jobs again, switch gear, run to outpost, outpost to area, get to area to find there are nothing but RMT and/or already 4 parties all camping the same thing.

So... who still plays FFXI?  I do! <3

New member introductions / Returning, somewhat slowly, to UO. Greetings!
« on: September 07, 2008, 11:33:52 AM »
My account is only 89 months, but has been registered since 98.  I play on an OSI shard, North American.  Was taking a break from UO right after ML came out so I have alot of catching up to do.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello :)

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