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Topics - Nazren

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New member introductions / A Hail to all!
« on: July 10, 2010, 10:50:17 AM »
As you can see from me coming to these boards I'm not the best at scripting. But I do like to enjoy the game of UO! This game was my first MMO (Mainly because it was like the only one at the time? ) but anyways introduced to it by my brother I learned quickly to insure my items and to not step into Fel as if it were Taboo. Joining many Rp guilds across shards enjoying the depths of Britania killing many creatures and finally after growing a pare Players. My name is Matt I now pvp quite often hunting and killing people for the fun of it. I have been with this game for about 5 years now give or take a few breaks. I have played many styles mainly to keep up with the nerf Hammer. Mainly I have been on ATL but now due to most of my friends leaving the game I have now settled on Lake Austin with a couple of my friends still in tact. I enjoy having picnics with The Baracoon in despise and my hobbies consist of killing people haha. So a fine hello to you all and I hope to learn how to script better in near future!

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