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Topics - graysont

Pages: [1]
This is for pascal.

I have a fisher on a boat. Every 15 seconds I get to "scan the horizons" and see whether any other boats are in the vicinity. If there are, I want to go home.

Preferably, in 1 script I would scan the horizons, set a variable with a timestamp, then do my fisher functions ... and at several places in loops I would check that timestamp, and if it has been over 15 seconds, I'd perform the scan the horizons again, set the timestamp again, then continue with the script.

I saw "function Timer: Cardinal", but there's no examples and I'm not sure the syntax of setting the variable and comparing whether 15 seconds have passed.

Alternatively, I could run a 2nd script something like this ...

 goto startscan;

The problem with this is if the 2nd script decides it needs to go home ... and it is going to cast recall, it would somehow have to pause or stop the other script (and I'm not sure if that can be done or how to do that).

So in summary ... I want to set a timestamp variable that I can check whether 15 seconds have passed since it was set, or ...

I need to know how to have one script pause another script.

Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

Stealth Client / Reliably switching between accounts automated?
« on: August 02, 2016, 10:05:05 PM »
I want to collect bods on a free server. There will be a lot of logging in and logging out as I switch between the various accounts at scheduled times.

Is there functionality inside Stealth Client to reliably switch between accounts?

When you first load up Stealth, it only shows the last char played for me, loaded from a certain config file. My thoughts are to make a different directory for every account I want to run, run multiple instances of Stealth -- each instance only loads one account, have it auto load the 1 character upon firing it up ...

Then use visual basic to rewrite that config file so I can switch between various accounts and different slots on each account, and have visual basic be responsible for scheduling the launching of a new stealth client and closing it down once the bod is obtained.

Before I do that, however, is there functionality in Stealth itself to reliably switch between accounts and characters?

I had an issue, ended up resolving it myself. I'll explain it here because I'm sure others will have the same problems I did.

Easyuo has the feature when you find an item type, it returns an array that you can loop through. Something like this ...

Code: [Select]
finditem DWJ c_ , #backpackid
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
      ... do stuff with each item, whether you found 1 or 1000, accessing items using #finditem ...

It was a challenge figuring out how to achieve the same functionality in Stealth. Most of the find functions (except FindType) lump all the items you find that are similar into one item count. If you're looking to loop through a series of items you find that are similar, here's a little minimal application I wrote that simply loops through all the large-sized ore at your feet, double clicking them.

Code: [Select]
Program New;


procedure doubleclickore;
  b : Integer;
  i : Integer;
  List: TStringList;
  FindDistance := 3;
  if(FindCount > 0) then
    List := TStringList.Create();
    for i := 0 to List.Count -1 do
    b := StrToInt('$'+List.Strings[i]);

Stealth Client / How to Fix Problems With Reading Journal in Stealth
« on: August 01, 2016, 11:44:45 AM »
After spending many hours pulling my hair out wondering why none of the commands for reading the journal worked for me, I finally realized that in Settings > Common ...

you have to click "Show Cliloc text in journal" ...

It's the only way Stealth will be able to read your journal or be able to use the commands:


Once I clicked that little box, my routine started working without a problem ...

Code: [Select]
   while(injournalbetweentimes('no metal',TimeParser,Now) = -1) do
        TargetToXYZ(tX,tY,GetSurfaceZ(tX, tY, WorldNum));  

New member introductions / Hello everyone!
« on: July 29, 2016, 03:26:07 PM »
Hi there. My name is Kevin. If you remember it, I'm the original creator of Finduo search engine for vendors many years ago (though sold it a long time ago).

I'm interested in scripting again ... really want to get into uostealth. I'm posting an intro so I can have access to the uostealth scripts, the documentation and examples found on the net are mostly documented in Russian and it's really hard to wrap my head around.

Thank you!

Preemptive beef up of intro, so it passes the mods incoming ... :p

So the original finduo was based on a combination of easyuo and a visual basic program I wrote. My search was the first one to offer images of the items that were being sold. To do that I made a VB program and used the easyuo "send" option to communicate with VB ... whenever it found an item it didn't know what the picture was, I took a snapshot of the open vendor with VB as image 1, then I used easyuo to hide all the other items in the backpack and took a 2nd image ... then I removed the pixels of the backpack, and removed the pixels that were different from image #1 and image #2, and the remaining pixels were the image I saved to show the item's graphic on the search.

Within weeks of me adding images, searchuo did the same as well as that other search -- was a strategic arms race back then.

Anywho ... please let me in :p

Post Merge: July 29, 2016, 03:46:12 PM
Oh, and apparently I contributed here a very long time ago. Example:;wap2

I don't even recall if I had an account here or what the login must have been, but that was me explaining Finduo probably some 7/8ish years ago?

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