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Topics - Welshi

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New member introductions / Hello!
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:04:08 AM »
Hello, My name is Kim and I have been playing UO for 11 years now. I'v been interested in scripting but it is always hard to learn to me. *sad*  PvM is most my uo life. Hope everyone is doing well and hello again.


Sorry for short intro. .
I've been playing only OSI on Sonoma and Balhae shard. Mostly hunting for peerless and Abyss mini-champ mobs with my tamer or sampire. Most of my friends moved to other games (like WOW, DAOC), so I usally play soloing. I'd like to share my 11 years uo life with everyone but I'm not good at English. (here is South Korea). It took 30min to write the post in English. what a shame....~haha.

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