Scripting Resources & Utilities > OpenEUO Scripting Tutorials

OEUO For Newbies


can we start to compile basic commands or snips.. for example a Pathfind Sub, or how to use an object, some really basic stuff here....

Sure, I'll create a "snippets" section and a "Submit your OEUO scripts" section so that people can start contributing.

I also plan on doing a few tutorials to give people a better feel of Lua-based scripting with an eye on comparisons to classic EUO scripting.  It's easy to go overboard with the Lua thing and LOOSE the average EUO patron.

It's really not that hard once you get the hang of the different data structures available in Lua.

Actually the pathfind sub is coming soon from me since I need to port my rail engine.  My pathfind sub is pretty generic in the EUO world, so it should be just as generic in its OEUO manifestation.


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