Casa de TrailMyx > Movie Review

Cowboys vs Aliens!

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Seriously... Have all the good writes for movies run out of ideas?  I have come to the realization that the writes of sitcoms can no longer come up with an orignal idea of their own.  The spawn of reality TV has been a serious decay of American values and just continues to only prove that we have become a nation of people that belive they are entitled to everything with no real effort on their part.  The kids these days are completely out of control and I fear for the days when I am old and have to depend on them. 

Sorry... Got a little of track there.. LOL   Cowboys vs Aliens... I read one review saying it will be the best film of the year.  Anyone that believes this film has a chance of grossing more than Harry Potter needs a reality check :)

I seriously rolled my eyes at the previews of this one.  Someone will have to do an actual review just to be fair.  i won't be seeing it until someone says it's wonderful.

Has anyone actually seen it?

I don't know of anyone that has actually paid to see it yet, but when I return to work tomorrow I am sure there is atleast one that will have gone to check it out.  Maybe I can get a review from someone there.

Here's some reviews
So far it seems to be a wait for the dvd flick.


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