EDIT: I will leave this script here for histories sake, but I have since found a far better buff bar scanner program / paladin caster. I will be making a new post with the edited version of AFKHunter that works with this. Feel free to delete this post.
First submission, so I hope I do this right. First time back on UO in about 3 years and the old place I used to keep these has dried up (AC, if you recognize the acronym you might know me from there).
Anyway, this one is my fighter farming script.
;AFKHunter by holmedog
;Make sure to set monster variable
;Would also run using CEO Medic
;(also can be changed in script)
;last updated 05/Oct/2011
;make sure to set all %variables in the initevents
; Added Features:
; - Using bank with sacred journey instead of bag of sending (Can be choosen by user)
; - Restocking bandas, food, arrows, bolts
; - Quiver supported for arrows/bolts restock
; - Looting Routine, no additional Script needed - disabled!!!
; - New check for CEOMEdic if healing, sometimes there were problems that both scripts would cast spells
; - Check if bandas are nearly empty and restock
; - Eat routin, eating after every monster
;Features comming up next update
; - Escape when other peoples comes to screen
; - maybe mage support
; - Graphical Interface
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
;For Bank routine you need to have all resources (bandages,arrows,bolts,food) in the root of your bank.
;You need a lootbag in your bankbox, at this time only backpacks are supported as lootbag.
;Your need 2 runebooks. 1 with the bankrune (set as default) 1 with the dungonrune (set as default)
;to only hunt one or two, set monstera and monsterb to the same values as monter
;Set to hunt 3 different kind of monsters
Chivalry use to kill stuff faster
Automatic attacking
Pathfinding to "stick" to targets
Toggle to loot
Toggle to honor targets
Bank recalling and stocking - Honestly I haven't tested this in 3 years. It used to work. Probably still does. But I used this to collect arties and never recalled lately
Toggle to peace targets
Integrated with CEOMedic's global variables. *SHOULD* avoid both scripts trying to work at the same time (this was an issue when one script would spam EoO or something)
Timers for: Divine Fury, EoO, Consecrate
Future plans:
GUI!!! God how I need a menu with at least a pause button (this thing can MURDER you if you are trying to run away and it pathfinds backwards)
Recall on blue/red (I think I have this written, but I'm not ready to public it yet and it's surprisingly hard to test)
Spell Support? (This one is iffy in my book. It's easy to write a spell spammer, but mages require so much more micro)
Update BoS support to send smaller amounts of gold at a time so if you do die you will probably have already made bank
Suggest uses:
Small, out of the way camps with easy to farm creatures. I *might have* in the past used this in Ilsh.
I think the code block there covers everything this has in it.
There is a small amount of editing to be done. You need to set the %monster variables to what you wish to attack. I would also *STRONGLY* suggest setting the %waitp variable to 1 if you use a looter like Badmanic's. This will keep you from running all over the place while you collect your swag.
Someone please post here if I need to add/remove anything from this post as I'm not 100% on the forum submissions here, yet.