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Messages - Effigies

Pages: [1]
Character skill advancement / Re: Guadah's Multiskill Trainer
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:44:41 AM »
First thanks for this script I have used it for necromancy, magery and bushido, and will probably use it for more. Also thanks to freddy for the >=50 post that helped me to train.

New member introductions / Re: The New (old) Guy
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:22:16 PM »
haha thanks everyone, I am glad you enjoyed the read. I am also glad to find a forum with people that still post. You find lots of old forums when searching for information. Thanks again.

New member introductions / Re: The New (old) Guy
« on: January 08, 2013, 02:07:36 PM »
Yeah I relogged into both my old account, which was a giant pain after the whole mystic/EA/origins thing, and attempting to link accounts. Lots of time was spent (between calls)...Ohh by the way did I mention I am a paramedic. UO is a intrical part in how that happened, but I will get back to that. So yes lots of time spent between calls emailing, calling and chatting with all sorts of EA/Mythic/Origins support. I was finally able to link the accounts and log in. Once there I started up the game and poof, 1 character on 1 account 0 on the other. And the character that was there was a nothing no one, with just a fire beetle, but hey it was bonded haha. I still had a rune book in my pack and recalled to my old house, which of course wasn't there. And just got sad, logged out and made a totally new account.

But back to how UO and me got me a career. I was in college in 2006, UO was already an older game at the time but my best friends brother was an original player. We got to talking one night about video games, and he mentioned a MMORPG, it was the first time I had ever heard the word. He told me all about it, how I could be or do anything. I was sceptical at first, but I logged in, got my starting character with 50 taming, tamed a horse and it was all over from there. You mean I can tame wild animals and they will kill whatever I say. I was hooked to say the least. As some of you here have probably had happen at one time or another my studies dropped off and I play A LOT of UO. I got up to GM taming the hard way, and was solo'ing ancient dragons with my Hiyru. Then ML came out. I realized I needed new gear, and that it was expensive. I made my first Tailor, and quickly got bored constantly hitting the button. That is when I discovered EasyUO. I was able to GM my tailoring and started making suits. Well all of these advances contributed to my lack of schooling, which sounds bad, but the story has a happy ending, if not a pleasant middle.

My studies dropped soo much that I failed out of school. Went back to living at home, and put away the computer. I went to a local community college and took every class that I could think I might enjoy. EMT was one of them. It quickly became my favorite, I then went on to Paramedic school. Got my paramedic license. All of this took about 3.5 years. Which brings us to about 2010.

I met my future wife. We dated for a couple of years, I played some console video games but nothing took my fancy. We were married this last september. We moved to NC, and I got the urge to play again. That pretty much brings us back to today. I felt like I was finally at a place in my life where I can play this game and not be addicted and hurting my own life. I don't think I could get that lucky twice. Thanks for reading.


New member introductions / The New (old) Guy
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:18:09 PM »
Hello Everyone,

My name is Josh, I have just recently returned to UO after a long hiatus (about 6 years). I use to have multiple accounts with multiple character but when I came back I had lost everything. Its kind of a mixed blessing in that all of my templates were probably way off from where they need to be. But I also am not a fan of the skill grind, hence my finding this website. I am hoping I can benefit from the site and all it has to offer. Thanks for your time.


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