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Topics - dingleberry

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New member introductions / New Member Intro
« on: March 17, 2011, 06:28:08 AM »
My name is dingleberry, and I love playing Ultima Online!  I am 32 years old. I am an avid gamer and have been playing video games since the intellivision. Besides being stuck to the television or computer screen, I also enjoy getting outdoors, fishing, camping and disc golfing.

I started playing UO right after beta on a friends account. We were so bad, we would eat,sleep and play uo in shifts. It was insanity, mountain dews and cigarette butts would pile up, but it didnt stop unless the server went down (for normal maintenance) or someone just could not see anymore. Finally around 1997-98, I obtained my own uo account and started my adventures. I never stopped playing uo since then, short breaks here and there, but never really stopped playing.

Over the last years I have built a very strong account in UO with lengendary mages/tamers/blacksmiths and almost every imaginable skill. I also have built a great alliance on the shard I play on and we have many activities and events we do within our "greenie clan". I look forward to giving advice and help to those that need it for in game questions and hope I can just be as much helpful here on the site, as I have taken some programming and can read the languages and sometimes even fix errors...sometimes.

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