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Topics - macnasty

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / What's going on everyone
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:56:33 PM »
So after taking a long hiatus I have decided to come back to this glorious game =).  I started playing this game in '99 and for some great reason it keeps pulling me back.
I stumbled upon this site because one night I found an IDOC and waited there for probably 6 hours twiddling my thumbs in hops of getting some good loot.  Well, when that house finally dropped I never expected the type of stuff that I aquired.  I thought it would take me years and years to get some of the stuff I found.  Well, that IDOC gave me an itch and tonight I was searching for ways to make it a bit easier to search out those IDOC's and low and behold I came upon this wonderful site.  I never really knew about scripting until tonight, and I think it would be something that I would not mind dabbling into.

Well thank you for letting me share a bit of info about me and hope to hear from you guys soon!


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