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Topics - Rhuarc2

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New member introductions / New here. Thank you for having this feature!
« on: February 15, 2024, 05:35:11 PM »
Hello all I am a returning player and have discovered this to sort of help me get back going in UO again.  Thank you to all that have contributed to here in making this a great place to come enhance gameplay!

Post Merge: February 16, 2024, 02:02:10 AM
I played this game from 1997-2006.  The nostalgia Ive got since coming back is real.  The crazy thing is i was 15/16 when this game came out.  I was on dialup and this game was the devil!  I am now in my 40s and I wish'd id of never quit!  its crazy trying to get back into this game.  I started out on Great Lakes.  My first actual pvp guild was CPT.  we pretty much owned the shard factions wise and ended up making characters all over.  LS/Chessy/Origin/Pac etc.  When the guild died out some members quit and others moved on.  I moved onto BC and continued on fighting the shard. 

This go round is a little different.  I have some characters on Atl as its the most populated shard but mostly play on other shards and enjoy the small knit community and fun times there over the mouthy "little kids" and im presuming these are mostly mid 30+ yr old kids still living in their moms basement playing in their command center still munching on some PB&J sammiches and drinkin their grape soda from a straw.  As I slowly build my toons back up and figure out whats the new and fabulous templates now its a lot different.  And another great thing this go round is my wife and youngest kid whom is over 18 are playing this time!  Hope all is well for everyone on the UO front out there!  Just last night heard of another long long time shard beloved player had passed away.  Happening a fair amount now it seems.  Atl has lost a couple... LS lost a couple.  GL the same. 

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