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Messages - Gaderian

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Character skill advancement / Re: Raz's Disco Trainer
« on: October 19, 2022, 06:48:07 AM »
There are also trainer scripts that take advantage of using masteries. Those are often quicker than using a group of pets because of the higher challenge and shorter timeout.

New member introductions / Re: My new member (Hopefully) post
« on: October 15, 2022, 12:00:16 PM »
Easyuo's email address validation restricts the common free emails from being used. If you have an email with your ISP - it would probably do better.

We don't have a download for easyuo's executable here - so you will need to get it from over there. If you use a non (hotmail/gmail) email account and it still won't let you - post the issue and Orngrimm should be able to get you setup there officially.

Welcome to Scriptuo.

Questing / Re: vDk's Automatic Naturalist Quest
« on: September 06, 2022, 10:41:36 PM »
There are 3 important issues that need to be addressed to make this script function:
1) The various ant holes to enter and from level to level can give 1 or 2 different arrival locations (mildly random) when entering from the same source location tile. Each tile location around the hole will give a couple possible destination tiles on the next level.
2) click locations to enter the ant hill hole are fixed click locations in the script. These would be different to match your game size window as well as which direction you approach the ant hole from. It would be more resilient if it used a little math on the #clixres and #cliyres values to determine the click locations. Instead of click locations, Endless Night had a solution for dealing with the ant holes that was very nice, but I can't recall if that is in his public or private libraries.
3) the exevent popup command was changed in EUO a few years ago. This one uses the old freeshard only version - but that syntax has been removed from EUO at this point. This is probably the stickiest part of adapting the script. My recommendation would be to incorporate TM's routine to deal with the popup window, because it would adapt nicely for different shards and character templates.

The rails in and through the ant hill are tricky. The best solution I found (for a different ant hill project...) was to recall in to the Britannia entrance, then use a rail to get to a specific tile. Enter the ant hill from this tile. Now the internal rails have 2 options where you may land. Create a rail for each of those locations to a near tile, then follow a rail to the next ant hole to navigate each level.

This may need more updates to be current, but a single script could work for freeshards and production alike.


Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: September 02, 2022, 01:59:57 PM »
I use a fishing pole with spell channeling. I use magery (not archery), but swap spellbooks to battle the sea serpents and water elementals with my fishing pole. I doubt that spell channeling has anything to do with an issue. I should make up a character to test all this out. I started to, but discovered my fisher was on a different shard from my crafter to make the bows... then I got distracted...

Hey Gad, if you think you've solved or at least positively addressed the weapon equip thing and would like me to roll your changes into the official version, send it to me and I'll DIFF it together.

I thought I had shown working routines and relinked a post in the past day or so to highlight that older post from a while back.

I can get all that working and tested maybe this weekend to prove it. I don't seem to have anything else on my agenda - so maybe it will do me some good to solve the logic puzzle that is archery based offense in the FAF. ;)


Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: July 27, 2022, 10:55:49 PM »
While we were discussing this over in the CLAW thread, here is the code to fix the bow issues and being able to equip or unequip it in this post:

Notice that there is only 1 kind of bow defined in the original. I mention adding whatever bow type the user was trying to equip and it is hard coded in the routine rather than a more generally used variable. There is still the logic about whether a weapon is right vs. left handed that needs to be included when updating for other weapon types.


The orcish bow (that bow that a GM fletcher could alter and reveal it's slayer property) is the same type (WOH) as a crafted bow. If that one works successfully, then that makes sense because the type is the same.

Is that orcish bow the one that was giving you trouble? I would suspect that your spell channeling bow may be a different type and that the property (spell channeling) is not the root cause. There are some new bow types and the left/right handed feature of how to [un]equip the weapon is likely related to the issue.

I use the FAF with a spell channeling fishing pole and swap slayer spellbooks (water elemental & snake slayer) to deal with the baddies for my magery. That is doing the whole [un]equip fishing pole and spellbook logic - which is no different than swapping the fishing pole with the bow.

I worked on getting the whole [un]equip issue for someone who wanted to use archery with FAF to work. I think the timing changed with an OSI patch, IIRC. There is also the weapon TYPE lists that need to work and the right vs. left handed-ness of the various bows.

There is a secondary issue about the use of a quiver in the FAF thread, but as long as arrows/bolts are stored in the main level of the character's backpack, it works. Getting the FAF to check the quiver for ammo is a solution with 2 paths logically to get there (1=open the quiver as a container and look for loot there (slower); 2=deconstruct the #PROPERTY of the quiver (faster)).

I do not believe any of that is related to the CLAW, which is more than likely the permissions/rights that TM was discussing. The message you were getting probably has more to do with the [un]equip issue in FAF than anything in the CLAW. It is the equipping of the weapon or fishing pole combined with drag/drop that needs to be cleaned up and coordinated between the 2 scripts. When the [un]equip function is clean and has a proper cool down, the CLAW drag/drop will be fine.


Crafting / Re: Bod Filler Expanded to Newer Craft Options
« on: June 18, 2022, 05:06:45 AM »
So the previous version ( left the debug stuff in it. That means it would run, but pause at lots of places.

There were a bunch who downloaded it, but no one let me know until this morning. So the debug info is reset and the script ( has been uploaded.


Scripting Chat / Re: Looking for a Mining script
« on: May 30, 2022, 04:06:24 PM »
I only knew of 1 that used to trash the blackrock, but it seems to have been taken down at the "other" site. Pretty much any other script will require adding the trashing the blackrock pieces, however, since those stack - I just collect those in my bank and trash them manually since it is quicker overall.

As for runebook mining, there are several that are pretty good. Most will require MUL files setup.

My old stand by was the MWinc scripts for mining and LJ.
There are several others here that are pretty good. XII, Neo have posted mining scripts here that you can check out.


Orion UO Scripts / Re: Building a Lumberjacking Script
« on: May 29, 2022, 04:06:53 PM »
Its very close to making it on my priority list! Just got a couple things to finish off, should be able to focus on this one beginning next week. Already have most of the issues you and Gaderain were able to find solved.

While I have been keeping up on reading these Orion posts, not sure I have added much to any discussions. ;)


Combat/Healing/Looting / Pet heal assistant
« on: May 29, 2022, 03:58:43 PM »
This will optionally command the pet to attack a monster (needs TYPE selections set), defaults to swoop.
It has different points where it applies bandages (veterinary/lore) or magery (greater heal). These can be adjusted.
It is not a fully AFK script, but more of an assistant. I am not going to support running around for this.


Scripting Chat / Re: AFK Auto Pet Healer
« on: May 29, 2022, 03:54:08 PM »
Here is something I have used to train up pets against swoop. It has settings for heal (greater heal) and veterinary. Bandages are precious to me to resurrect the pet when it dies, so I tend to keep that for more emergency healing. It is useful when swoop would engage it's special claw move that lowers the pet's resists.

It depends on EN's scan buff bar setup so that it doesn't try to apply a bandage too soon after the last time and ruin the last vet attempt.


Scripting Chat / Re: Countdown timer w/ menu
« on: May 28, 2022, 10:28:29 PM »
What would work really well is a separate script that keeps track of the timer based on namespace global variables. Use that to display the value in a menu.
This allows your script to set the by changing into the namespace, set the value, and exit the namespace. This is easy to implement into a script without affecting its other logic.


Crafting / Re: Bod Filler Expanded to Newer Craft Options
« on: May 22, 2022, 08:52:50 PM »
So my semesters are done until mid-August, so I had a very specific problem to address. This version ( has to do with freeshards and I modified the 2nd post in this thread to discuss it a little. No other real change from the previous version (

I was thinking about the alchemy color and name issues for crafted versus purchased potions. Does anyone know how taste id works? Is it possible to fill a potion keg, then use taste id on it and empty the keg into potion bottles and have the name work? Will it change an orange potion into "lesser cure" potions by name?

I do not even know if "nightsight" and "night sight" potions can combine into the same SBOD. Has anyone tried this? If it is allowed then modifying the script would be on the table.


Not selecting the new rune in the book makes perfect sense.

Do you have a good idea how to fix that?

My idea is to test the pixel on the page and repeat until it is valid. Not sure how to keep that from being an infinite loop on really poor lag situations though. Even if you do a maximum number of tries, it doesn't guarantee it was set to the desired location.


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