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Messages - altiric

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Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: April 14, 2021, 03:53:24 PM »
Only shard i seem to enjoy playing on since getting back. Been gone since 05. Took a peek at Atlantic and went running, screaming, in tears...

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: April 13, 2021, 11:47:44 PM »
Thanks for this! :)
Only changes i ended up making was to fix an issue i was having with the script hanging on a broken rod, and moved my drop off location to a secure in my house. Really just wanted to take up fishing for a stockpile of metal chests and was too cheap to pay for them lol, this did the trick and saved me many hours of not having to actively fish :)

12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's Miner For Dummies 3.0
« on: April 13, 2021, 09:53:44 PM »
Utterly loved the concept of this script! Ended up hacking and slashing around your subs and turned it into a rail based system with fire beetle support. The beauty of it is i can add a new rail, then your script scans all the possible spots on the first run and every run after is quick and seamless. I also had an idea to better merge the recalling with rails so you can recall to a spot, run a full rail, then move on to the next one. With the current setup, i smelt as i go along, and only return home for a dropoff once i get near maxweight in raw ingots. Noticed a few things turned off with tile checking that are beyond my skills, was just wondering if this was an euo issue of something still being worked on, or never got finished.

New member introductions / Re: New Introduction
« on: March 15, 2021, 06:44:13 PM »
Geeze ive already put in more effort than any dating site ive signed up for! I am a narcissistically minimalist type! However, my information is generally quite direct. Guess my living situation is unique enough to qualify a brief summary though. I live off-grid on a 32 acre lot deep in the mountains of British Columbia. There is 18km of crown land between me and my closest neighbour with an old, deactivated logging road being the only access in. Since its bare land my property taxes last year were less than $150(My only yearly rent/mortgage costs). Combine that with pressurized water lines fed from a fresh ground spring uphill, a couple solar panels and a micro hydro turbine, for my water & power needs, a couple small animals for food. In the end it means i only have to work a few days every couple of months (I run my own drywall company so get away with that). It leaves me all the time in the world for the two things i love the most. Nature and Gaming! So yeah, i get a bit of both in excessive amounts.

Anyway, looking forward to being part of the community and developing my scripting skills. Maybe even make a contribution or two in the future :)

New member introductions / New Introduction
« on: March 15, 2021, 05:27:06 PM »
Hello, Been playing UO since early 97, was actually a beta tester! Also got into the beta for t2a and was one of the first people in the new lands. Then was around for Malas and a samurai expansion but left shortly after. Just been getting back into the game recently and getting caught up with all of the changes. With the low population on my shard, scripts come in very handy for trying to multi-task since im doing a lot more on my own than i used to. Used to dabble in EUO scripting and am looking forward to playing with some of the new lua options.

Hello, wanted to try running this but need to do an introduction first, so here it is :)

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