Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts > UOMaddogs' Script Library

Maddog's Jhelom Farm Taming Trainer

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To train Animal Taming and Animal Lore on your character from 0-120!

1. KILL SOMETHING in Jhelom Farms before running this script. This prevents a possible hang-up in the script (due to EUO being weird!)
2. Press play while you're inside the Jhelom Farm Pens. Then follow the setup instructions!
3. Use Mindblast if you don't have Eval! Most creatures can be killed with one or two Mindblast's even if you dont have eval!!!
**********REQUIRED TO RUN THIS SCRIPT:**********
1. MAGERY - This script uses magery to kill the tamed creatures.
You may choose between fireball, mind blast, and flamestrike.
DEXER options will be added later, but are not available at this time!!
2. LRC SUIT/REAGENTS - Since you are using magery, you should
have either a lower reagent cost suit or enough reagents to
cast the spell you choose.
*NOTE: This script will NOT check for reagents!!!

Version 1.8 - UPDATED 07-06-2008 @ 10:59AM
-added in snippet to open up Status bar so properly get the #followers variable
-fixed possible targeting errors due to #ltargetkind
Version 1.7.1
-edited taming chart (again!) to begin taming bulls at 72.0 instead of 80
Version 1.7
-added adjustable wait to for lag delays
-edited taming chart to begin taming bulls at 80 instead of 90
Version 1.6
-added option to edit tamed creature's name
Version 1.5
-added random values to railspots to make the script appear less "Twinkle McNugget"
-added option to add a delay in between successful taming and re-naming to appear less "Twinkle McNugget"
Version 1.4
-fixed possible out-of-range targeting error while killing creature
-added red menu flash when gain is detected
-added option for script to make a DING when a gain is detected
Version 1.3
-fixed typo in journal scanning that caused script to miss if someone else was taming
Version 1.2
-added skill gain menu
Version 1.1
-first public release version
-added skill checker
-added further setup instructions at beginning of script
Version 1.0
-public beta test version

Can this be edited to use  meele instead.. to select closet tamed pet .. release .. attack current target?

It was my desire to eventually add some other options, such as Melee killing, to the script. I honestly have not had the time to do so because of classes and another major scripting project that I have been working on. Once everything settles down, I will take a look at it and add some things in. If anyone would like to look through and write up a melee sub, I would definitely consider inserting it and giving due credit!

yeah i having been using this script for about 2 days now and used it before i quit a year ago i have not changed anything but now for some reason it keeps randomly causing client errors

i was getting a few client crashes today.  I added a longer wait after the:
exevent RenamePet %tamingtarget %name ;Rename tamed target to "tamed"
wait 20 ;<--- changed it to 20
haven't had another crash but waiting to see.  not sure what the original wait was there.  It might not even be what was causing the crash


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