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Messages - pacotaco

Pages: 1 [2]
Off Topic / Re: A sense of humor
« on: June 08, 2010, 09:48:45 AM »
37 here and my man hole just exploded when I read this.

Off Topic / Re: Someone please explain this one to me...
« on: June 08, 2010, 09:45:50 AM »
Circumcision is just cleaner no head cheese ;) Not sure about the Piercing thing I haven't any myself. All I remember is I was told it would get ripped out if I didn't which shredded my dream of getting a Prince Albert... owww. I am not sure about my kids as they grow up how I will scar them for life so they don't scar themselves with something they will regret later on.

I used to know a girl that had OzzY tattooed on her cheek. I wonder how she is doing these days. I heard she has more tatts now and all over. I think I always see either one as if I wasnt born with it then why do I need it?

Greeting, my name is PacoTaco, I been play uo since 2004 and have been taking a break from it for the last year and a half. Just restarted my account (main one, I have like 40 others) and starting to poke around and see what there is to do now in game.

I have mostly altered scripts to do what I want done be it standing in one place and killing monster to walking in and out of dungeons when the bos changes occurred to switching to battle axes instead of bucklers for the mace and shield turn in script and modifying that script to recall around and buy regs.

I am hoping to polish a few script ideas I have been working on and get help while I share scripts too. I am definately not the best scripter there is but I manage and try to get better when I have time.

It is good to see there is still a few people still active at making life easier in uo and removing the tedious nature of the game. I will look forward to checking out peope scripts ad commenting on them if there is bugs or need tweaking.

Drop me a line and let me know what you're working on. I am currently working on getting some gold worked up so I can get the right gear to get back in to the swing of things I literally got rid of all my stuff last time I quit and am starting over from scratch....

anyway hope to see you all around. I am in between severs at the moment I am on legends chessy cats atlantic and Pacific at he moment.

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