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Topics - Rose Tyler

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Ok so after a LOT of rl hectic stuff and getting past the holidays I am gearing up to farm my resources... I've read through the threads and looks like before I reiterate some already posed questions I am going to find and try 12s script for ter mur mining. Need some crystalline blackrock. But one question I do have is this... Has anyone found a way or is there a script that will dump the small pieces of blackrock? Like even into the trash can next to my secure, I've been using Speweys. And as far as I have seen, no one has done it yet...
Also, I love me some fishing. But the bait man, there has to be a way to save myself from dbl clicking a million times to add the bait and fish the spot dry. Any suggestions? I have tried making a macro in uoassit but even that I mess up. *sigh* I left my brain 2 million years in the future, they needed it more than I did.

Scripting Chat / How do I?
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:15:04 PM »
So I am not even sure if this is where I should post this... BUT I want to learn how to write basic scripts... like one project I am working on is cataloging my roses... I want a script that will open a container and put them into alphabetical order and pull out anything that is not supposed to be there.... semi automated... see what I mean? Maybe... help...

New member introductions / Rose Tyler and Adventures of the TARDIS
« on: September 14, 2012, 01:19:55 PM »
Ok so like I read the thread about what to do and not to do when posting here. But my mind is all rattled around, I don't know if I have been here before, rather weather or not I am coming or going. Lost the Doctor a long while back in this alternate reality known only as UO. Nothing we have encountered accross time and space has been as immersive or quite as damming as this place. Now within each alternate reality there are parallel worlds... layers upon layers of intrigue. I know I really haven't always been here, can't have possibly been, but yet, at the same time I know I have been. Since closed beta and beyond... I live in one time zone play in another and am quite the intrepid persona. I haven't done nearly as much as I ought to, since losing the Doctor I am a bit aimless. I wander around doing this and that, hopping from world to world, buying trinkets and such frivolties that amuse me. Collecting this and that and the other, buying and filling house after house in a vain attempt to fill the whole the Doctor left. I can quite do on my own anything that UO has to offer, but on some worlds I am surrounded by people who are also friends of the Doctor, who comfort me in his absence. This is me, rambling, disjointed thoughts, not quite rubbish, not quite cohesive...

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