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Messages - kenshin87

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Scripting Chat / Re: auto insure?
« on: February 21, 2010, 12:30:36 PM »
i stand corrected. thank you very much for the link. helps out a lot. must have missed it when iw as looking at scripts over there. thank you again

Scripting Chat / Re: auto insure?
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:14:36 AM »
ok so i was looking further into what someone else has posted and i figured out to do a backpack scan and not a journal scan

set %itemdrop UES_XDI

  finditem %ItemDrop C_ , #backpackid
  if #findcnt > 0

until #CharGhost = YES
While #Charghost = YES
  Wait 1

so that is what i have so far the ***** are for where i need help with auto insuring the item. i dont know the exact ID of the item yet either if anyone knows the id of the night eyes or the tangle that would be a great help. also if someone can help with the insuring part. is there a macro to insure an item?

i got this information from;highlight=backpack+scan

UES   XDI those are the ids of the two items

Scripting Chat / auto insure?
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:53:24 AM »
is there a command or another script that i can pick apart that will allow me to scan my backpack for an item and auto insure it? i feel like i came across omething like it but never could find it afterwards. any help would be appreciated thank you!

Scripting Chat / NAvrey
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:44:58 AM »
Hey everyone so i was thinking to myself about this stupid Navrey spider thing. so i was wondering if i could get some assistance on a script that i am putting together. as of now its just a thought and i want to make sure it can be done. so my look on it is that there should be a rail that will walk around the dungeon area probably with 6 way points. i was wondering if it should be a txt file or if i should have the way points within the scirpt. second i will def need some help putting together the area scan for the navrey. also to top it all off i want it too loop after 15 minutes as soon as the spider dies. that way it wont look like you are actually doing this macro style and more on a timer. a looting function would be great i was thinking of asking permission to use CLaw. let me know your thoughts and if you will be able to help. thank you in advance.

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's WarpSpeed Logs to Boards converter
« on: February 20, 2010, 08:13:21 AM »
what is this leather trick you speak about?

UOMaddogs' Script Library / Re: Maddog's Explosion Pot Chucker
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:25:55 AM »
lol no problem we all forget things like that. hope all is well and thanks again. i hope whenever it gets done the new script will enable users to compete with some of the others that seem to be bombarding explo pots at us

Questing / Re: Donate-o-Matic (for library and museum donations)
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:12:33 AM »
the script is meant to work with a bonded beetle so that way it will follow when you recall. best way is to just bond a beetle :)

UOMaddogs' Script Library / Re: Maddog's Explosion Pot Chucker
« on: February 15, 2010, 05:59:16 AM »
hey madddog so i sent the other thing i hope you recieved it. what would be neat is if you impleted that 3 option menu. but of course have the user have 3 seperate hotkey macros. one coinciding with the button such as f10 with one pot and done, 2 would be the continuous with a check** (if target goes out of range and or dies/disappears script will wait for the hot key again), and 3 would be dependent on the script i had sent you if you are able to figure out exactly how to do the 2 or 3 round burst type thing. 

UOMaddogs' Script Library / Re: Maddog's Explosion Pot Chucker
« on: February 14, 2010, 11:08:23 AM »
Code: [Select]
;================MADDOG EXPLOSION POT CHUCKER==================
;=========================Version 1.0==========================

;- Set the hotkey to whatever you want (
;- Press Play and use hotkey to activate!
;- Do NOT do anything until after the pot has been thrown! This usually takes 2.5 seconds so it can be thrown on the ground

;Version 1.0
;- Initial script release
;- Auto-targets last target
;- If target is out of range, throws pot on the ground 3 tiles away

set %hotkey  F12
;Example "set %hotkey F12" or "set %hotkey ESC ctrl"

;#################DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE#################

set %explopot TUF

 while #true
onhotkey %hotkey
   gosub ChuckExplo
sub ChuckExplo
finditem %explopot C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt < 1
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
target 3s
onhotkey f11
wait 70
finditem #ltargetid G_10
if #findcnt < 1
   set #ltargetx #charposx - 3
   set #ltargety #charposy - 3
   set #ltargetz #charposz
   set #ltargetkind 2
   event macro 22 0
set #ltargetx #findx
set #ltargety #findy
set #ltargetz #findz
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0
onhotkey f11
wait 15
onhotkey f11
gosub chuckexplo

as you can see i am not the best scripter in the world but what i did was throw in a couple of onhotkey commands within the script to have it return to the top of script where it goes on hot key f12. i also just threw in gosub chuckexplo at the end to have it continuoulsy go to the main sub and loop until the hot key f11 is pressed. i have come across another script that will be in your messages. take a look at it and maybe you can get a better grasp on it then i did. i tried to tinker with it to make it effective but my script abilities are lets say sub par atm lol. thanks for the script and i hope to be able to contribute more.

Code tags are our friends - Cerveza

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's Simple Fast House Placer 0.15
« on: February 14, 2010, 10:51:58 AM »
i see no one has posted here in a bit as i am going through the house placing scripts i just want to enlighten people that it may take up to 2.5 hours to place a house. so i believe the time is 15 minutes to 2.5 hours. correct me if i am wrong on that. also has anyone noticed a correlation between the size of houses and the placing time. out of the couple idocs i have been to since the new rule has been set in play it seems that the larger the house the more time it is to wait. if it is true can someone confirm that possibly? thank you and thanks tm for the placer while it lasted

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Monitor/Looter v1.0c
« on: February 14, 2010, 10:47:34 AM »
also what would be really really neat is to have a time estimate. say your monitoring a house that goes greatly and the script calculates it and puts on a rough estimate or a date and time when abouts it will fall.
February 16, 2009, 2PM-3-pm.

of course each idoc is different +/- an hour i believe from when it goes greatly and such but it would be a neat little feature. also when is 2.0 being released or is it just for private boards?
great script thank you for the time

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Monitor/Looter v1.0c
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:27:12 AM »
hey tm. so i was running this the other day and i was also running it with a log in script. i noticed that if you happen to log out and log back in it wont target the house again. if this feature could be incorporated that would be great. it seems to make sense that way you know pretty much exactly when thet house will fall. and even if you die afk i believe it loses the target or something. i have to do more testing but i have to find an idoc first :(

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: February 12, 2010, 07:39:00 AM »
I almost forget what it's like not to know about the game breaking type of stuff. Smiley  ALMOST... hehe

what you talking about here Twinkle McNugget? dont leave me hanging now lol

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: February 11, 2010, 06:26:46 PM »
since we are on the fencing subject. can you imbue those blackthorn kryss's? plus i would have to say that a lot of the fencing weapons have low damage  :(. high swing speed i think its a toss up. what weapon you using for your template cerveza? i kind of like that temp cerveza i will give it a try i believe. manwinc the way i look at it is that if your doing a champ or whatever you normally have people protecting you so what you running from. the only thing i can see running from would be like a tram type area which in that case i could see just to get in a quick heal. i believe it depends what your using the chraacter for..

Questing / Re: Donate-o-Matic (for library and museum donations)
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:21:25 PM »
hey c2 so i had my rune book setup as  4 6 as the home runes then  5 7 as libraryrunes. i dont know if it was that particular setup or what it was but it seemed to not work properly with the sacred journey. it would just go to my second house rune and not the second library rune. i did however change the order of the runes and it is working fine now.

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