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Topics - Thangos

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Hi everyone,

I started in 98 I quit UO in 04. I played Great Mistakes as Buck, Wulfgar, Cheeba, and Wild Willie. I also played mostly at the end on Lake Supeiror as Thangos, Evil Elvis, and Drizzt. I had 5th charaters but rarely played them and do not even remember their names. I was an OLD Ultima player from the early versions Ultima 1-7. Yeah the old monochrome era. I remember being so geeked when I finally got at Apple IIe 640k with color. I even played the NES versions. Yet not as nearly as stoked the first time I logged into UO back in Oct 98. I saw the game release and put off buying it. I was mezmorized from the logon movie till my feet hit the ground in Brit. It was a total addiction. Yet came Trammie land, nerfed skills, tamers, bards, mages, and a dead ghost town of Felucca.

As I held out I saw my friends leave. It wasn't long before the co-operation and unity UO once was, it soon became a came of soloist. It was like the magic that was UO was gone. It became a game of greed and banksitters wearing their prized posessions. After selling my accounts on ebay I never looked back at OSI. I played a few Freeshards until my kids came along. Then I had to hang up my Wizard's Hat for many years.

Now I am playing again still on Freeshards. I do not know if I can say which one on here. Luckily you have all skills so no need to grind. So many changes and skills it is like I am having to learn all over. I have enjoyed reading and looking up scripts on here. I have lurked for a month before posting. I am trying to learn a bit about making my own scripts. I found this place while searching UO scripts.

So far i have just made a IDOC loot script and a crab potting script that work awesome but still working out some bugs. Not many IDOCs here to practice on. Mine just prioritizes loot I know I want and when it falls it automatically starts running towards those items and picking them up and placing in bag. SO I miss some ground loot but I get the main rares that I have targeted. I would really like to make a GUI so I could just click and target instead of finding the ID and having to write the code in to target a specific item. Kinda takes a while but staring at an IDOC for 16 hours gives me plenty LOL.

Look forward to learning and sharing.


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