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Topics - raivin

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / An 'intorduction' to me :)
« on: December 20, 2009, 12:27:30 AM »
Hey guys, i go by the name Raivin as you can see.  I've been playing uo off and on (mostly off) since 2001 (my account isn't even 3 years old yet :)  I've just recently gotten into the scripting game, but I'm majoring in computer science at college now and have done quite a bit of programming before that.  Not any scripting, but primarily C++ and Java, with a dash of web programming (javascript, html, & Java servlet architecture)  I'm currently single, go figure, so no wife/girlfriend measurements from me (I'll be sure and let you guys know when i get another girlfriend (oh well, the last girlfriend was 36/32/36, that should keep you satisfied for a bit))  Anyways, I came to scriptUO because I see that you have some fewer rules regarding certain types of scripts, and I think that's cool, because I was going to write them for myself anyway but why reinvent the wheel if you guys already put them up there?

PS sorry about the subject line, that was a burn on the typo in the sticky for this forum, no offense, it's a bad habit. :)

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