
General => Off Topic => Topic started by: Coragin on December 11, 2013, 02:51:26 AM

Title: Ugh Migrane
Post by: Coragin on December 11, 2013, 02:51:26 AM
Behind my eyeballs.
In my teeth
Anyone know this kind of pain?  Know anything that might help?

Already tried cold, hot shower, nettie pot, ugh this sucks.

about to take a zyrtec to see if that helps.
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: ximan on December 11, 2013, 03:53:30 AM
Not medical advice, though a gf used to get these, mostly manageable with daily B12 and folic acid supplementation, occasionally receiving an imitrex injection when bad enough.  Other options listed below; all have side effects and each person responds differently.

Folic acid

Propranolol - rx

Imitrex  - rx, subc inj
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: ximan on December 11, 2013, 03:58:50 AM
Already tried cold, hot shower, nettie pot, ugh this sucks.

Personally would never use a nettie pot-  great way to get bacterial encephalitis.  If you do see a doctor, be sure to let them know you've been using one.
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: Crome969 on December 11, 2013, 04:05:53 AM
An employee of our Company using cold bags ( frozen bags for cooling), lay it at neck and lean back. Seems to help..
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: 12TimesOver on December 11, 2013, 04:46:18 AM
Imitrex  - rx, subc inj
Yep, that.

Personally would never use a nettie pot-  great way to get bacterial encephalitis.  If you do see a doctor, be sure to let them know you've been using one.
Use distilled water, not tap water. Period. Sinus irrigation is extremely beneficial however using straight tap water can introduce bacteria that should not be introduced. If you don't want to buy distilled water then just boil your tap water before using it.

Either case, unless your migraines are sinus-related this is pointless.

One thing to consider though, ScriptUO is not the best place to be looking for health answers, your doctor is :)

Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: gimlet on December 11, 2013, 05:41:41 AM
Maybe consider smoking a joint (medical use only of course)
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: bodfather on December 11, 2013, 05:48:51 AM
Behind my eyeballs.
In my teeth
Anyone know this kind of pain?  Know anything that might help?

Already tried cold, hot shower, nettie pot, ugh this sucks.

about to take a zyrtec to see if that helps.

I get at least one a week to the point I feel like throwing up. There's multiple causes (sinus, strain on eyes, stress, coming off a caffeine binge, not enough sleep, even low blood sugar). Try to determine the cause and then go from there.

In my case it's eye strain and caffeine withdraw so I usually take 1500mg Tylenol (3 extra strength) and drink a cup of coffee/soda/Monster and I'm good to go in an hour or so.

Those Excedrin Migraine pills are GOLDEN.  
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: Tidus on December 11, 2013, 06:13:05 AM
I use a prescription of Firocet for the pain when unmanageable.  other than that i have not found anything that reduces how often i get the migrane or how long it lasts other than being almost in a sleep state most the day. 

Your only way is to seek medical aid and try to find your triggers. 
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: TrailMyx on December 11, 2013, 08:34:13 AM
Maybe consider smoking a joint (medical use only of course)

There's a side of you Gim I didn't picture.  Kudos!
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: Masscre on December 11, 2013, 09:39:32 AM
One thing to consider though, ScriptUO is not the best place to be looking for health answers, your doctor is :)


This one is on point. Mis-diagnosis can make your problem worse.

Your only way is to seek medical aid and try to find your triggers. 

Finding your triggers is what got me onto a happy life. Now when I get to a point of the triggers being in my presence I pop 2 - 4 ibuprofen ahead of time and keep on going. No more dark rooms with lots of sleep involved for 24 hours or more to get the migrain to go away.
Title: Re: Ugh Migrane
Post by: Coragin on December 11, 2013, 11:27:34 AM
Well good news is my doc knows and I have norco (hydrocodone/vicodin for those who dont know) I have that for Fibromyalgia 6/daily at 10/325.  I usually dont need all that much so when I get real pain flare ups, I take 1.5/2 and usually I feel better.

They used to have me on morphine and percocette but I felt that was too too much. I honestly said "Really?  Morphine?  We dont start with something smaller like Tylenol 3?" tried it for like a year and got sick of my eyes always crossing and being tired all the time.  As morphine even IV Push has never really helped me as much as smaller drugs do (hence norco instead of precs and morphine.)

I dread the day when it gets bad enough that I have to take oxy or something, I dont like pills to begin with but these actually do help.