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Topics - Felucca

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / My name is Felucca
« on: July 18, 2017, 03:52:26 PM »
Is that a dumb name? I use it in a lot of places because for me, Felucca stands for unrestricted. Restrictions are the wooorst. Especially in a game.

I like the idea of a self-managed playerbase. The idea that you are never safe brings so much tension to the experience. It's thrilling, and oftentimes, incredibly rewarding.

That's why I've played this game, off and on, for almost 20 years!

I quit OSI in 2002 just after AoS. They split up the playerbase way too much with all the different facets and they trammelized PvP with Artifact weapons and item insurance. It still makes me angry to think about to this day.

Luckily, there have been many player-run shards over the years that have let me relive the experience.

I played on Atlantic from 1998 to 2002, was in the Defenders of the Moongate guild [DOM] and also ran my own PvP guild [NOX]. Maybe we crossed blades once or twice :)

The work that a lot of people put into scripting the more tedious aspects of this game.. Well, it's incredibly kind to share fruits of all that labor.

I pretty much understand UOSteam, scripting is easy because you can click record and learn, there's also the object inspector, but EUO is quite a bit more complicated so I'm hoping you'll welcome me into this community and allow me access to those sweet, sweet scripts *drooling*


I'm 32, I live in Montreal and I Love this game and the people that play it. Thank you.

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