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New member introductions / Re: Hello
« Last post by Crisis on May 19, 2024, 05:58:32 AM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
New member introductions / Hello
« Last post by itsscodyy1 on May 19, 2024, 12:33:37 AM »
I'm awful at introductions but im required to post one! Lol my name is cody im 31 years old  i've played uo for about 14 years or so give or take. I'm currently going through a divorce right now. I enjoy going out with friends and having a good time! You only get 1 life so life it to the fullest!
New member introductions / Re: Introduction
« Last post by breakquick on May 16, 2024, 01:52:17 PM »
Amazing thank you :)
New member introductions / Re: Introduction
« Last post by Crisis on May 15, 2024, 06:38:38 PM »
Welcome to SUO! I have become fully addicted to UO Outlands lately.
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Altiric's Amazing All-Skills Trainer
« Last post by anrk on May 15, 2024, 05:31:05 PM »
New member introductions / Re: Introduction
« Last post by gimlet on May 15, 2024, 07:24:34 AM »

A Very Warm Welcome!

Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!


New member introductions / Introduction
« Last post by breakquick on May 15, 2024, 07:16:01 AM »
Hi All
Easy start, my name is Alistair 49 years old I played UO on Europa from 1998 till about 2008 was pretty active guild player, ending in the AI days before the numbers really started to drop off.
I decided to take a look at playing again just for old-time sake and some part-time amusement, looking at different shards, found a few interesting ones. Not sure if the original game server is the place for me as I think things have just gone too far, and prefer the less item-based days. I used macros in the old days in PVP but never scripts but find the whole idea of using them now very interesting. Basically love to see what is out there in the script world and start writing my own. Interested in see what people use as character templates now, before it was quite often straight mages with minor variants.
Outside of gaming world, married, 3 kids, love exercising and good BBQ and cold drink :)
How's that?

New member introductions / Re: intro
« Last post by Crisis on May 14, 2024, 03:13:06 AM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)
New member introductions / intro
« Last post by Chrisangel18 on May 13, 2024, 07:32:40 PM »
my name is shinobi Ive been playing ultima online since 2007 i recently just came back my mom and i had a guild on catskills called KISS aka Keep it simple stupid and it was one fo the best guilds i had i then went to Dark revolations Star which was my pvp faction guild and then i stayed in cats for a while then i transfered my toons to alantic been there ever since i lost my mom in 2008 which gave me a very long break from Ultima Online i have also been making my own free server but i have it on hold but thats a diffrent story i have a huge verity of toons i have 2 crafters a necro archer a mage tamer and 2 pvp toons one im working on now the other ill work on later i come from a family of uo players my mom was playing my stepfather was playing his brother started when uo first came out in 97 so yeah its been a ride and im willing to take that ride further i use to use easy uo but i can see that went shot down and i also used razor and steamed but now ive been using orion and tbh i love it its easy and simple to use once u get the hang of it
Off Topic / Re: Ultima inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame
« Last post by TrailMyx on May 12, 2024, 08:53:22 AM »
The Wiki page for this has a great summary of present and past winners.  Frankly, I'm shocked that Elite wasn't inducted this year.  That's still one of my all time favorites.  I still can't believe all the game functionality you got for just 48K-64K 8-bit machines.  And the NES port of it is amazing.  There's a couple Youtube deep dives on the technology used to bring that game to the NES - worth the watch.
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