Author Topic: INGAME ISSUE TRACKER  (Read 7717 times)

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« on: August 04, 2017, 10:02:55 AM »

What is the ingame Issue Tracker?

The ingame tracker system has been developed in order to allow players to send quick bug reports. For larger texts or attachments you should use As you might notice, we move our tracking system from Mantis to Gitlab. The reason behind is simple, its closer to our source and allow developers to react with our source together (linked issues, automated states on reactions via sourcecode).

What is Gitlab?

Gitlab is a website to host IT-Projects in the internet. They provide tools to control versions towards small and middle sized teams (GIT-Protocol) and allows it to maintain projects. Together with the source code management it also provides a bug tracker system and a wiki. In open source projects, it allows developer and consumer to spread the source, maintain issues and write documentation about the project. RebirthUO itself is a closed source project, that has been hosted on gitlab. In the past whenever a player added a report on Mantis, we pushed the update through gitlab and gave a documentation back to our tracker system. While RebirthUO itself evolves as project, we as developers also obtain more experience to handle such project. After reviewing our current system, I (Pure) decided, that it would be better, if source, issues and documentation would be at same location. So it were decided, to design a workflow for future. The result is our new ingame tracker system.

How can i report issues?

We introduced a new command [reportissue .

View attachment 333


This command will launch our service and displays a gump.

View attachment 334


Name of player, account, location and date will be automaticly generated and canĀ“t be overwritten. Player only can add a title and a description. After agreeing to our terms of usage a report can be send. A new small gump will appear and tell player to wait until report has been send.

View attachment 335


After sending the report, the user will get a reply if the report has been send or not. In case an error appears, the report gump filled with all data will appear again. In this case write us a help ticket please!

What data will be send?

The service provides following meta data:

  • Title

  • Player...

