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Messages - Kane12

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Very nice!! I just started using it....bad me lol.....

Very user friendly and I have even been able to create custom searches for items.

Thank you so much.

Can you tell me where to find the saved settings once they are saved?

I have been having to reload my list each time I use it.

When I save the settings and go back to reload them when I log on again, I get a configuration error and the settings do not load.

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: [OUO] Heartwood Fletcher Runic Farmer by Crome
« on: February 25, 2012, 07:52:23 AM »
Spent more time this morning before heading to breakfast with the family. I have all the things in place and working thru the bugs.....

My error now is indicating line 118 with the following error which happens after my toon gets off the beetle.

The error is:

...s\OEUO\runic fletcher quest fixxed rwuo mike fix.lua:118: attempt to call global 'GumpChecker' (a nil value)

line 118 is

local lookAtGump = GumpChecker ()

I checked for double code that I might have accidently posted to create the nil value. I am not sure how values reset in case there is something at the end of the gumchecker section I added that needs to be put on the end to reset a value maybe?

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: [OUO] Heartwood Fletcher Runic Farmer by Crome
« on: February 24, 2012, 06:39:32 PM »
Thanks Crome and smokinjoe26 for your responses to my messages on helping me try to get this script modified for OSI and functioning. I have spent another hour on it trying to go thru it. I have the wait functions changed and the gump size option areas changed. I am just trying to figure out where to paste the GumpQuest function and the GumpChecker section. I think with Smokinjoe's help I pasted correctly at the gumpquest area....but still not sure where the gumpchecker goes....I managed to eliminate the error I kept getting for a missing gumpquest the script is flying....opening gump quest after gump quest....over and over, not stopping at the quest needed....which makes me think the gumpchecker hasn't found it's home yet in my pasting attempts...

Ugh...this stuff gives me a big headache...I love it...but just still cannot get the mechanics of it to understand it.....sure glad raising children is much easier for me lol....or I would have some starving and deprived children. lol

Your stabled pets are not affected by the transfer. But you are not able to load up any pack animals to transfer with you. Your transfer only works for items you wear, items in your backpack, and items in that characters bank account.

Can be more limited but depends on how you are using the tokens.

Thanks for the advice guys!!! I also went a step further and found the IP addresses for each of the shards and pinged them thru DOS prompt to see what my average speed would be with each shard.....taking into consideration that I might want to farm or run champs on other shards that may be less populated.

Thanks for the info...yea I planned on just making an extra samphire for each of those two accounts to make my runs in case I wanted to stay and farm, hunt, or run events on the respective shards.

Just trying to completely think this thru on the shards before I make the big decision, which is the reason for the post.

There are a ton of very intelligent folks here whom I value opinions on....

Thanks again for the info...


Anyone out there have any suggestions on what shards I should pick?

I have 2 accounts that are 14 years old finally. One account has 4 vet rewards and the other has 12.

I figured I would use 1 of the 4 on account #1 for my home shard (Pacific) so I can return home.

I figured I would use 2 of the 12 on account #2 for the same home shard.

This leaves me 3 shards for account #1 and 10 shards for account #2.

My main reason to move a character to other shards would be:

1. Pick up holiday items and tickets I never found cross shard traders for (Lake Austin and Origin).

2. Pick up some of those interesting items some of the Japanese shards give you and bring back to my home shard.

3. Buy and sell on other shards more popular or less popular.

4. Do some farming on some of the less populated shards and bring back resources to my home shard to sell.

Any ideas for folks on what shards I should pick?

Thought I would ask around here before making my choices.

I figured I would do like a round robin....on account #1 go to shard A, then B, then C, then return home. Do the same with account #2 but maybe hit more shards before homeward bound.

The shields are non changable once I pick the shard and they accumulate 1 transfer token per month up to 10 tokens before they dont (hold them for you so to speak).

Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks for the additional suggestion. Still no go. It didnt pick up the robes....

I had heard somewhere that you could cut the custom colored robes from the 2011 turn in event into cloth similar to the Halloween event using scissors or a salvage bag. I thought I would start collecting some of the robes to cut up to stock pile on the custom cloth (again similar to what I did for the Halloween cloth). But when I sampled the process using 3 robes, I found you cannot cut the robes into cloth.

Was I mistaken that I had heard you could do it and maybe they fixed the change and I am now just too late?

Or is there another way to do this to make it work?

Just thought I would ask everyone what they knew about guess is they fixed it to not work anymore....

New member introductions / Re: GO LIONS!
« on: October 12, 2011, 12:59:14 PM »
We can only accept you as a Lions fan if you can post a predated picture wearing something that endorses the Lions prior to this

Welcome to the group.

_C2_ Script Library / Re: C2's Ultra Beggar W/Guide Trainer
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:43:38 AM »
ah...sorry mixed up the two...hehe...

_C2_ Script Library / Re: C2's Ultra Beggar W/Guide Trainer
« on: September 16, 2011, 09:16:39 PM »
This script has gotten me alot of items over the years during Halloween...last year I had to watch it closer with the teleporting you to other than that was great!

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Finder v1.6
« on: September 15, 2011, 06:16:01 PM »
They havent turned the house decay off yet on the OSI shards...I dont think. I believe that will be next week from what I read.

UO News / Re: [UO Herald News] Client Patch for Compassion Dyes
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:50:21 PM »
Im guessing they dont release the clean Britannia and they just force patch the dyes to sock it to us for a week of no easy

Off Topic / True Act of Courage.....
« on: September 06, 2011, 09:09:47 PM »

General UO Chat / Re: Trapped
« on: September 04, 2011, 03:55:19 PM »
Wow...they shredded that original by Rockwell with Michael in the

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