Author Topic: Snow's Resist Spells Trainer  (Read 3272 times)

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Snow's Resist Spells Trainer
« on: September 26, 2008, 08:05:22 AM »
This script uses 2 account on the same machine. The first script is for the mage without eval. The second for the person to gain it. The mage needs to be red or grey or the person gaining needs to be red or grey, but not in the same guilds.

Code: [Select]
event sysmessage Click Your First Pile/Item
while #TARGCURS = 1
  wait 0
set %target1 #LTARGETID ; Adjust This To The Type Of Item Your Using
event sysmessage Click Your Second Pile/Item
while #TARGCURS = 1
  wait 0
set %target2 #LTARGETID ; Adjust This To The Type Of Item Your Using
event sysmessage Click Your Third Pile/Item
while #TARGCURS = 1
  wait 0
set %target3 #LTARGETID ; Adjust This To The Type Of Item Your Using
event sysmessage Click Your Fourth Pile/Item
while #TARGCURS = 1
  wait 0
set %target4 #LTARGETID ; Adjust This To The Type Of Item Your Using
event sysmessage Click Your Fifth Pile/Item
while #TARGCURS = 1
  wait 0
set %target5 #LTARGETID ; Adjust This To The Type Of Item Your Using
set #LTARGETID %target1
  set #LTARGETKIND 1 ; Target an Object
  event macro 15 46
  target 5s ; Tells EUO to pause until the target cursor is up or wait 5 seconds, which ever happens first
  event macro 22 0
  wait 10 ; Adjust for if you have FC/FCR
  set #LTARGETID %target2
  set #LTARGETKIND 1 ; Target an Object
  event macro 15 46
  target 5s ; Tells EUO to pause until the target cursor is up or wait 5 seconds, which ever happens first
  event macro 22 0
  wait 10 ; Adjust for if you have FC/FCR
  set #LTARGETID %target3
  set #LTARGETKIND 1 ; Target an Object
  event macro 15 46
  target 5s ; Tells EUO to pause until the target cursor is up or wait 5 seconds, which ever happens first
  event macro 22 0
  wait 10 ; Adjust for if you have FC/FCR
  set #LTARGETID %target4
  set #LTARGETKIND 1 ; Target an Object
  event macro 15 46
  target 5s ; Tells EUO to pause until the target cursor is up or wait 5 seconds, which ever happens first
  event macro 22 0
  wait 10 ; Adjust for if you have FC/FCR
  set #LTARGETID %target5
  set #LTARGETKIND 1 ; Target an Object
  event macro 15 46
  target 5s ; Tells EUO to pause until the target cursor is up or wait 5 seconds, which ever happens first
  event macro 22 0
  wait 10 ; Adjust for if you have FC/FCR
event macro 13 46
wait 45s
until !skill = !end
and the gainer

Code: [Select]
Display yesno  Which way is your guy walking?  Yes = North/South  No = East/West
set %startingskill #skill
gosub ShowEUOMenu1
menu getnum Amount
set %stoptraining #menures
set !end %stoptraining
chooseskill Resi
if #skill >= %stoptraining
  display Hey you have made it to #skill Resist Spells
  menu hide
gosub ShowEUOMenu2

if #dispres = No
gosub E
gosub checkskill
gosub totalskill
gosub W
gosub checkskill
gosub totalskill
until #skill >= %stoptraining
display Hey you have made it to #skill Resist Spells
  menu hide
if #dispres = Yes
gosub N
gosub checkskill
gosub totalskill
gosub S
gosub checkskill
gosub totalskill
until #skill >= %stoptraining
display Hey you have made it to #skill Resist Spells
  menu hide
Sub W
#cursKind 0 ;set your facet here 0 Fel 1 Tram 2 Ill 3 Malas
wait 1s
event macro 5 3    ;Over Here Copy And Past The Event Macro As Many
event macro 5 3    ;Times As You Have Fields Being Casted By Your Other
event macro 5 3    ;Char Here Its Set To 6 Times and thats default by script
event macro 5 3
event macro 5 3
wait 1

sub E
#cursKind 0;set your facet here 0 Fel 1 Tram 2 Ill 3 Malas
wait 1s
event macro 5 7  ;Over Here Copy And Past The Event Macro As Many
event macro 5 7  ;Times As You Have Fields Being Casted By Your Other
event macro 5 7  ;Char Here Its Set To 6 Times and thats default by script
event macro 5 7
event macro 5 7
wait 1

sub checkskill
chooseskill resi
set %currentskill #skill
menu delete Skillat
str len %currentskill
str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
menu Font Style
menu Font Color Red
menu Text Skillat 148 8 #strRes
set !skill %currentskill

sub totalskill
chooseskill resi
menu delete skillgain
set %totalskillgained 0
set %totalskillgained %currentskill - %startingskill
str len %totalskillgained
str ins %totalskillgained #dot #strRes
menu Font Style
menu Font Color Red
menu Text skillgain 124 32 #strRes

;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code Begin ---------

 sub showEUOMenu1
    menu Clear
    menu Window Title Snow's Resist Trainer
    menu Window Color Black
    menu Window Size 248 71
    menu Font Transparent #true
    menu Font Align Right
    menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
    menu Font Size 8
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color Silver
    menu Font Transparent #false
    menu Font Align Left
    menu Font BGColor Black
    menu Text EUOLabel1 8 8 Set Your Target Level to Train To:
    menu Font Style
    menu Font Color Red
    menu Text EUOLabel2 76 32 Ex) 1000= 100.0,  900= 90.0
    menu Font Color WindowText
    menu Font BGColor Window
    menu Edit amount 8 28 61 1000
    menu Font BGColor $0080FF80
    menu Button Begin 96 48 111 17 Begin
    menu Show 421 270
    menu HideEUO
        set #menubutton N/A
        until #menubutton <> N/A
        menu hide     ;menu hide -will hide menu

sub showEUOMenu2
    menu Clear
    menu Window Title Snow's Resist Trainer
    menu Window Color Black
    menu Window Size 265 71
    menu Font Transparent #true
    menu Font Align Right
    menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
    menu Font Size 8
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color Silver
    menu Font Transparent #false
    menu Font Align Left
    menu Font BGColor Black
    menu Text EUOLabel1 8 8 Your Current Skill is at:
    menu Font Style
    menu Font Color Red
    menu Text EUOLabel2 64 56 Ex) 1000= 100.0,  900= 90.0
    menu Text Skillat 148 8 #skill
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color Silver
    menu Text EUOLabel3 12 32 You Have Gained
    menu Font Style
    menu Font Color Red
    menu Text skillgain 124 32 ####
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color Silver
    menu Text EUOLabel4 168 32 In Resist Spells
    menu Show 421 270

;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code End ---------
I can get the gainer script working, but i can not get the casting script to work. It will not cast on the object. I can do it manually, but not with a script.
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know ~ Anonymous, Vietnam, 1968
