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Messages - formerlyrara

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From one Navy vet to a active one, nice to see you here.. No not in the sunshine state but in the state of WTF did i do wrong when i retired lol. Glad to see you dropped by!!

New member introductions / Re: Hi, I'm Garglkark
« on: January 15, 2021, 03:40:30 AM »
Welcome, the knowledge is vast here and good!! And there are good code bits here and there to help learn!

New member introductions / Re: Old Vet Returning
« on: January 15, 2021, 03:39:14 AM »
I am on LA playing again, and thanks for the PM.. i downloaded the other portions (god i remember beta testing that out) and set it up and works like a charm.. Thanks for reaching out again buddy!

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: Blacklisteds Move Loot
« on: January 13, 2021, 11:41:21 AM »
This script works great still, just tested it all out. The hardcoded gems/regs works, will figure out the ingredients, will add stuff that i need done (this is mainly for me to work up fish loot from SOS and Tmaps.. But thanks!

New member introductions / Re: Old Vet Returning
« on: January 11, 2021, 01:34:05 PM »
lol sad isnt it.. did most of my stuff in PMs but yeah i guess i can talk more now.. But yes same old pain who tries to learn and does sometimes. Relearning this is fun!!

so there are bods now for all the resources? am i seeing that correctly? I am sure i can contribute time and effort into finding all the ids and such for the skills as I have and pretty sure everyone else in the game has them GM'd. Just let me know what you need assistance on!!

New member introductions / Old Vet Returning
« on: January 11, 2021, 12:07:59 PM »
Wanted to stop in and say Hi.. been a very very long time since I played UO, was a way to relax and deal with stress, now older, none the wiser, find need that relaxation again, so dusted off account or two, found some old links, started delving into the world of fishing again. Figure it is only polite to say Hi and thanks to the many wonderful scriptors who have spent years updated, making, and dealing with us asshats who love to torture you with requests!!! So thanks for making my return a good one by still being here and so far fishing works like a champ!

Crafting / Re: Paulonius' Textile Sweatshop
« on: March 23, 2014, 12:19:00 PM »
Had to make a adjustment for wool that is from killed sheep...


Questing / Re: neo's cleanup residue quester 10/06/2011
« on: March 13, 2014, 12:36:40 PM »
I am having a problem with the script lately, it is trying to insure instead of picking the quest. Would anyone be willing to explain to me the position i need to change and how to figure out the coords to do that?


Public Bugs / Re: Free Golden Fishing Poles
« on: December 24, 2013, 12:58:09 PM »
Where is a good spot for this action? Gzone and Deep?

Wanted to say I needed some crystal shards so went and got this script - i used it last year with a seperate character but circumstances since all old files were removed had me redo this. So downloaded, ran and set up so far 6 books, and it has worked flawlessly. Currently sitting at 20k boards a hour ( if the menu is correct ) but it works flawlessly. Pathfind works in Felluca, Trammel, Malas, Tokuno, Ter Mur. I set up about 3 to 4 trees per rune. It has worked flawlessly except for escape when attacked by monsters. Had to fiddle with a few runes is all. This is all on OSI production shard.


I will tell you i am a HUGE fishing person, have the island house for 18 by 18 in tokonu, house is decked out tons of trophies of pretty much every single fish type with exception of the one in Minotaur city ( where that scorpion miasma resides ). I fish using the FAF, sort using Kals, use Kals to find the sos spot, use Crisis to fish it up, and use a separate script to sort all the gems, regs, scrolls into separate containers, then use a imbue to recycle it all, then use the residue to turn in for power scrolls quests, trashing a lot of stuff - get tons of mallets that way which sell for millions, and combine the little scrolls to big ones and sell the 120 imbue scrolls. So in short, after all is said and done, i will turn 500 MIB into straight gold on average about 15 to 20 million easy. Plus use the leggings to make armor suits for characters and players, and throw a lot away for points. Just figure i lend you what i do.


General UO Chat / Re: White Wyrms.
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:31:04 PM »
That mare will be good against physical - good resists for that, stay away from mass magic users. I would use him a lot in Ish and T2a areas. Fresh tame though needs to build up skills, say artic ogre lords for a spell and he will be flying then sphynx to get him to gm.

General UO Chat / Re: How do you make your millions?
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:20:05 PM »
Honestly i have played crafter/vendor mall owner for many years, now a days i find my shard is dead and i prefer to still sell a full shop that players will come to cause it has it all. I find my biggest sellers are fish/lobsters, bod rewards, and imbued training suits. on average i pull close to 60 to 80 mill a week. since i have been back to uo, 5 castles, close to 400 mill sitting in a castle, and odds and ends galore. Just the way it is is all.


Gold Farming / Re: Snow's Scribe Matic
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:33:02 AM »
Okay tested it out last night, there is a problem only with the seventh level scroll box, it doesnt ask you for it but you get cursor - minor cosmetic issue that is all with that. you can click and keep going just fine, it fills perfectly, if you run out it keeps going if you make the change per your request. Now making all level scrolls that i am lacking so i can scream thru making filled books for vendors. I do appreciate this, i will check the mystic portion out as well since i am 120 in that on this scribe  :o


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