Well I might just have to dig into the buffbarscanner and redo it for my use.
Otherwise I'm gonna have to make my own that doesn't reopen the bar. I see what you're saying about reading the bar but the initial part of the gump doesn't change right? Like the blue ball you click to change direction, and the underlying graphic there. That stays the same, so you scan that to ensure the bar is open, and in the right direction, then scan the bar one by one in order to get the correct ones. I also rearranged your pixel scanning in my version to be more pvp/pvm specific, so scanning the icons should take a SIGNIFICANTLY lower amount of time. When you get a hit you move on to the next one I'm assuming, so it makes sense to scan for the most likely icons that would appear on the bar first. Aka: Specials, Magery, then Necro/Myst, maybe Spellweaving after... should see a significant speed gain just by doing that. I notice I probly get hit most by magery spells like Curse/Clumsy and such. Then in pvp probly curse and necro/myst spells and Specials. So it makes sense to put those at the forefront of any scans... Also, it's only the length of the gump that changes, but the overall gump stays in the same location right? So the actual icons show up in the same spots every time... I just dont see why it wouldn't be possible to easily remove the opening of the gump completely from the script... Seems like a no brainer. I bet it would even be faster... Detecting the facing of the gump with pixel scanning is trivial, and if you lose focus on the gump THEN you reopen it. It would make opening the gump happen once, MAYBE twice the WHOLE time you run the buffbarscanner, and not interfere with things like manually clicking a spell icon. Or opening your backpack. The way it sits now it's near unuseable for me. I'm not putting it down, on the contrary, it's an amazing piece of work. Just that one limitation puts it at the bottom of my useage pool. I'll have to play with it more cause I don't just want it's functionality, I NEED it, but I need that gump opening eliminated.
If you'd like to do it, I'd love that. Either way, I have to do it.