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Topics - Kaluso

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New member introductions / I'm here to turn in my sobriety pin...
« on: August 11, 2023, 08:02:54 PM »
It all started one rainy day, Aug, 2003... I went for a drive in the storm to clear my head, but the storm had other ideas. As I whipped my truck up and down hill, through the countryside of Virginia, then into the woods, crossing a small stream, and up a small hill, a tree decided to give way, and fall right onto my path mere feet from my face. At 55mph, there was no stopping. I was pronounce deceased. Minutes later, my heart was restarted and I was brought back from the dead. Battered and bruised, with more broken bones than most people can name, I went under emergency surgery, where my face and jaw were reattached. Upon release I couldn't face the world. I slipped into a manic depression that became a video game addiction. I spent many years barely surviving, Playing many games in season, one right after the next... From Red Alert C&C, to StarCraft, to WoW, To UO Chesapeake, ultimately to SUO sometime around 2009-2010. I ended up running out of money to simply exist, picking myself up and joining the workforce. I met a girl. I stopped playing video games. I had a son. The girl cheated, and the boy stayed. I continued living my life, raising my son, doing what I should do, as a single dad, and that didn't allow for video games.

Flash forward, that son is now 12 years old, and we've started playing video games together. My mind wandered back to the games I used to play, and the rest is history. He and I now play StarCraft, and UO together regularly. I'm much happier in life now, married, with 4 children, several of my own businesses, and work aplenty - but these old games still keep me humble, and remind me that the time you enjoy wasting, it isn't wasted time. (John Lennon)

Hi. I'm Kaluso. Formerly Cruiser627, but gmail isn't allowed anymore, so I had to change it up. I'm happily married to my absolute best friend (you'd like her measurements, guys) and I have a 12 year old son who plays UO with me, twin daughters at 2 years old and a 1 year old little boy.

In my free time I like to - yeah, right. Free time? Didn't you read the last sentence? Pfft.

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