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Messages - Orich

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These functions don't seem to work? Is there a way to make them work?

New member introductions / After a 10 year vacation ... I've come home.
« on: August 01, 2013, 12:45:10 AM »
I played Ultima Online from 1998-2003/2004 on Atlantic. I had 3 or 4 accounts at the time, and decided to quit because of the intense amount of hacking going on and lack of any support by GMs.

Soon thereafter I played World of Warcraft beta, and hardcored that game until the end of the Lich King expansion. I (shouldn't be) proud to say I was in two different Top 25 US guilds and always prided myself on being a top tier player.

After WoW, I never played any game to that intensity again. I've tried all the major MMOs, and hardcored them for 1-2 months but they fizzled quick. SWTOR, Aion, Tera, Guild Wars 2, etc.etc. Played them all to max level (except Aion, but if you played you know why) and end-game.

I was into the competitive scene of Heroes of Newerth for a couple of years. Was a 1900 MMR player. I've since abandoned the MOBA scene all but for Smite, which is a casual guilty pleasure that I play with my RL friends.

As far as my return to Ultima Online... I always considered this the best MMO ever made.  I'm Home!!

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