Author Topic: My Darkfall experience  (Read 2707 times)

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My Darkfall experience
« on: February 09, 2010, 06:31:19 PM »
Okay i'll be writing this randomly as I play tonight!

I started playing it around 6-7PM yesterday.

Just from their webpage & download/installation I knew the game was going to be a bit "cloudy".  There isn't a lot of documentation or information AT ALL on their website.  First I installed the client download because my torrent was getting about 28kbps & would have taken FOREVER.  I installed that to come up to a 9GB patch at about the SAME download speed (28kpbs) as the torrent.  I'm on wireless and when someone plays Xbox or uses their laptops for work/school it knocks my download speed to slow speeds.  I got frusturated and downloaded torrent software rather than letting Opera browser handle it & I was peaking 500kbps download speeds when I found a good movie for everyone to watch (HAHA scammed!!!).

After removing Darkfall & installing the new torrent I STILL had the 9GB patch.  I did it about 3 times before I looked through the files in windows explorer & saw some similarity of file names.  I copied everything from the torrent into the installation and it cut the patch down to about 200MB or something.

As soon as I logged in I unsheathed my sword and attacked the FIRST person I saw!  I couldn't resist I just had to do it!  I already knew the basic controls for that so I did it, went rouge.  The guy turned around and hit me ONCE and I fell over!  Haha.

The battle system I LIKE.  I like how you swing, shoot, cast.  I think that it's great you have to aim arrows/spells.  I do like the fact there isn't a CHARACTER level system.  There seems to be skill levels kinda like uo (I think the cap is 100) and you can gain stats.

PVM is pretty fun because you actually have to do things.  They're smarter than most games in that they'll run away, run you into more monsters, chase you down, hide behind trees to rid your line of sight for bows/casting.  It gets annoying at times when you just want a ton of fast/easy kills though haha.

Skills seem like they will be slow, but seem faster than UO and seem like they for the most part can raise from normal gameplay (At least in combat ones!)

So far my archery is at 24.32 & greatswords is 15.6 which I probably should start raising more of instead of archery since I miss 80% of my shots!!! lol
