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Ahhh it didn't
 put my reply in that post lol. Long story short I'm not able to focus long enough to figure the problem out.

New member introductions / Re: Returning UO VET
« Last post by gimlet on May 31, 2024, 06:38:22 PM »

New member introductions / Re: Returning UO VET
« Last post by Crisis on May 31, 2024, 03:52:11 PM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
New member introductions / Returning UO VET
« Last post by Stricknyne on May 31, 2024, 01:37:43 PM »
Good Day to you all.  My name is ..well online it's Stricknyne.

I am returning to UO after a few decades hiatus. Air Force moved me around and I could no longer give the time. LOL.  I was orignally on OSI Chessy shard. 1997-2004, Guild was Guardians of the Realm (G@R).
I spent a great majory of my time anti pk in and out of Fel and Tram.
Had to protect my potential recruits around Moonglow.  ;D

I had a Order Axer named Jackknife as well. 

Anyway I stumbled upon this site attempting to script remove trap. My scripting knowledge has faded from long ago.  So I thank you for having a place for old heads and new i guess to collaborate.

Thank you for all you do
UOAlive Shard
Welcome to SUO!
Welcome to a former Counselor from a former Counselor! (briefly anyhow).  Thanks for the intro!
Hello all.

I'm excited to be back in the world of Ultima Online after a long hiatus. My journey with UO started way back in pre-alpha, and I continued through beta, staying active during the first five years of retail, off and on. The concept of an open and persistent world was what initially drew me in. While not all of the early promises were fully realized, it was clear from the beginning that Ultima Online was something special.

During my early years, I had the privilege of volunteering for OSI, first as a Counselor and later as a Seer. One of my most memorable experiences was using the .jail command for the first time to put an exploiter in jail. It was a unique and satisfying moment for sure. Another highlight was being the first person to buy and pilot a boat during beta testing, a pioneering adventure that I still fondly remember.

After years away, nostalgia has drawn me back to Ultima Online, and I'm now starting anew on the Atlantic shard. I'm eager to dive into both PvM and PvP once again. The high-end content, particularly Champ spawns and the High Seas expansion, has piqued my interest, and I can't wait to explore these new challenges.

Crafting has always been a passion of mine. This time around, I'm looking forward to delving into imbuing to complement my skills in blacksmithing, carpentry, tailoring, and tinkering. There's something incredibly relaxing about fishing on the Vesper docks, and I'm sure I'll be spending plenty of time there as well.

It's great to be back in the world of Sosaria, and I look forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Cheers to many more adventures in Ultima Online!
I had some analysis on this and a reply mostly written when our neighborhood power fluctuated. So here is my overview.

Urban cowboy identified an area near the start of the program where it creates the menu and waits for a button response. This happens when the script first starts and once it returns from it's final processing routine. I am assuming you two have found it there after trying to create a set of objects to combine with the SBOD and not just starting the script and watching it run there without giving it the choice inputs.

The location that is needed to debug is when the combine of the items is done with the SBOD. I would stick a pause in the script at that point and then use the F7 stepping from that point.

Well this is way above my skill level. I can cut and paste to make things work as I need them. But fixing a gump is beyond me. Mainly because I really don't understand the code. That and i don't have the ability to focus to learn it. I've tried over the years lol.

I compared the click locations with my bod filler project and it appears to be correctly offset - at least the 2 scripts are the same.

Here is what I would suggest verifying next:
Has the SBOD gump changed where the click locations are?
When the combine function happens in the script - is the current gump the SBOD? I ran into some scripts not working because production servers had an inserted gump that was essentially the lower left corner of the game where you type talk messages to people. If the gump that is currently 'active' is not the SBOD, then the click offset will be in the wrong place. This "feature" appeared a few years ago and broke many scripts that depended on click locations. There are commands to ignore a gump, swap the current gump and a method to cycle through all gumps that are not ignored. One of those options can fix this kind of an issue.

New member introductions / Re: Introducing myself.
« Last post by gimlet on May 25, 2024, 11:43:40 AM »
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