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Script that Item finds and Documents in XML/TXT


( = <   ) = >

I am looking for a script that might be able to write an xml document for me.  Doesn't matter if it does it in text format and then i have to convert it over.  but i was looking for it to itemize my armor i have one box at a time.   e.g.   Looks in my Gorget box so it titles that part what the engraving is on the Container (gorget)  Finds 5 bags, goes to bag 1, uses the engraving (bag 1) then if it finds another bag in there does the same (bag A) then looks at all items and codes it this way.  (name) (stat)(stat) and adds a stat line for every line under (name).  Does this for every item, every bag.   That way i can code a css file or xsl file to format it how i want it to look in the end.

If anyone can walk me through how to do this it would be awesome. I have not delved into the world of writing code that will write a secondary file.  And this way i can run it for every container i have and make 1 big XML file in the end to store on a website to show what i have on hand.  I plan on using this every week to keep track of my stock of items.

Been trying to figure out how OMGButters (OMGBurgers) did his in The Watcher.  I look at it and i get lost.  Everytime you save it just recreates the file and just doesn't add another line to the already created document correct?


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