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Messages - Cieno

Pages: [1]
Character skill advancement / Re: Thimotty Fast Stealth Trainer
« on: July 26, 2012, 08:42:51 PM »
The change to set %travel_gump_type KXY did the trick for me ^_^.


New member introductions / I'm finally coming back to UO and
« on: July 25, 2012, 04:39:49 PM »
while checking out all the new stuff that has happened since I stopped playing 8 years ago I came across EasyUO and ScriptUO.  Thought it would be worthwhile to join and utilize these awesome sites.

My name is Adam(but PLEASE call me Cieno).  I played UO from 1999-2004, but had to quit due to financial reasons.  I played on Great Lakes almost my entire UO career as, you guessed it, Cieno(spent a couple of weeks on Sonoma, but a friend at work played on GL and talked me into moving over).  I wonder if anyone would remeber me... doubtful but its a small possibility if you were into the RP scene.

With my new job posting paying more than double that my old posting paid it clicked in my head that maybe... just maybe I should play some UO again.  So I started looking into all the new material they've added in my hiatus and I blacked out... when I awoke an account had been created magically and was waiting for me to play(this is what I told my wife.... no she didn't buy it... >_<).

Guess I could tell a little personal info about myself too.  I'm happily married(for 8 years now... no thats not a coincidence with me quitting 8 years ago either lol) to a beautiful woman(with an ugly temper  ;) lol), we have 2 kids(both boys, both gamers... my wife hates me for introducing them to games).  Currently working as Security for a government secured facility(hence the major pay raise) and the hours they have me working amazingly enough work PERFECTLY for plenty of time for gaming on UO too.  I never was a very patient type of person(for example I made a tamer once... never got past 65 skill) so i'm looking forward to getting some help from scripts to get me back into the game quickly and maybe even further along than I ever got on my own.

Umm... other than that i'm not sure what to say.  If there is anything you guys and gals would like to know ask and i'll be happy to tell  ;D.

Thanks to everyone that makes these kinds of programs and scripts available.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


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