Update of the sample loot script to work with latest uomachine.
Rather nice app, Its a pity work stopped as the latest client and latest razor fail to work with it.
Memory editing is my weakest point, so i havnt worked out how to fix the offsets yet.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using UOMachine;
using UOMachine.Macros;
using UOMachine.Data;
using UOMachine.Utility;
using UOMachine.Events;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UOMScript
public class Script : IScriptInterface
private bool myScriptRunning = true;
private PlayerMobile myPlayer;
private const int myClient = 0, myActionDelay = 650;
private static string[] EUOLootTypes = { "POF", "ZLF", "RWF", "OZF", "LZF" };
private int[] LootTypes = { 3821, 3903, 3617 } ;
private Item LootBag;
private DateTime myLastActionTime;
private int myTargetCorpse;
private int targetCorpse
get { return Thread.VolatileRead(ref myTargetCorpse); }
set { myTargetCorpse = value; }
public void Start()
IncomingPackets.ContainerContentsEvent +=new IncomingPackets.dContainerContents(IncomingPackets_ContainerContentsEvent);
IncomingPackets.MobileDeathEvent +=new IncomingPackets.dMobileDeath(IncomingPackets_MobileDeathEvent);
UOMachine.Macros.Macro.GetPlayer(myClient,out myPlayer);
//myPlayer.GetEquippedItem(Layer.Backpack, out LootBag);
if (!Macro.GetItem(myClient, 1077150318, out LootBag)) { Stop(); }
UOMachine.Macros.Macro.Speak(0, Speech.Say, LootBag.Name);
while (myScriptRunning)
//TODO: Implement functionality
public static int[] EUOToInt(string[] val)
List<int> outs = new List<int>();
foreach (string s in val)
uint temp = EUOToInt(s);
return outs.ToArray();
public static uint EUOToInt(String val)
//Code by BtbN
val = val.ToUpper(); // Important!
uint num = 0;
for (int p = val.Length - 1; p >= 0; p--)
num = num * 26 + (((uint)val[p]) - 65);
num = (num - 7) ^ 0x45;
return num;
void IncomingPackets_ContainerContentsEvent(int client, ItemCollection container)
Item corpse;
UOMachine.Macros.Macro.GetItem(client, container.Serial, out corpse);
if (corpse.ID == 8198)
Item[] goldItems;
if (container.FindItems(LootTypes, out goldItems))
foreach (Item i in goldItems)
MacroEx.DragItem(client, i.Serial, i.Count);
MacroEx.DropItem(client, i.Serial, LootBag.Serial);
//myDropItem(i.Serial, LootBag.Serial);
UOMachine.Macros.Macro.Speak(0, Speech.Say, "Looted:" + i.ID.ToString());
targetCorpse = 0;
public static void myDropItem(int serial, int containerSerial)
byte[] packet;
packet = new byte[14];
packet[10] = (byte)(containerSerial >> 24);
packet[11] = (byte)(containerSerial >> 16);
packet[12] = (byte)(containerSerial >> 8);
packet[13] = (byte)(containerSerial);
packet[0] = 0x08;
packet[1] = (byte)(serial >> 24);
packet[2] = (byte)(serial >> 16);
packet[3] = (byte)(serial >> 8);
packet[4] = (byte)(serial);
packet[5] = 0xFF;
packet[6] = 0xFF;
packet[7] = 0xFF;
packet[8] = 0xFF;
MacroEx.SendPacketToServer(0, packet);
void IncomingPackets_MobileDeathEvent(int client, int mobileSerial, int corpseSerial)
Item i;
UOMachine.Macros.Macro.Speak(client, Speech.Say, "Container event");
if(UOMachine.Macros.Macro.GetItem(client,corpseSerial,out i))
double distance = UOMath.Distance(myPlayer.X, myPlayer.Y, i.X, i.Y);
UOMachine.Macros.Macro.Speak(client, Speech.Say, "Container Opened" + distance);
if (distance <= 2)
targetCorpse = corpseSerial;
MacroEx.UseItem(client, corpseSerial);
private void DelayAction()
if (myLastActionTime == null)
myLastActionTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan t = DateTime.Now - myLastActionTime;
int waitTime = myActionDelay - (int)t.TotalMilliseconds;
if (waitTime > 0) Thread.Sleep(waitTime);
myLastActionTime = DateTime.Now;
public void Stop()
myScriptRunning = false;
IncomingPackets.ContainerContentsEvent -= IncomingPackets_ContainerContentsEvent;
IncomingPackets.MobileDeathEvent -= IncomingPackets_MobileDeathEvent;