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New member introductions / Re: New Member Introduction
« Last post by oldschool on June 22, 2024, 04:04:12 AM »

Know the feeling!  *turns on stones audio file*

New member introductions / Introduction - oldschool
« Last post by oldschool on June 22, 2024, 04:01:55 AM »
Greetings folks!

Amazing how the Scripting aspect of this game is a quest of its own.  For years we [and you] have been writing scripts to make the game more enjoyable and maybe even more manageable. Remember when we [you maybe?] first wrote a simple scripts like stay active so you wouldn't log out, then we add auto log back in and kind worked :)  then maybe we they turn into camp spy for a champ spawn or maybe a doom artifact!  Inquisitors! Maybe even added some sort of notification method or perhaps the script loaded up a song to alert you.  Some of us wrote scripts for skill gain and maybe it worked very good.  Over the years, we have been able to make scripts that were menu driven and were fantastic tools for enjoying the game.

Some folks never write but the sure do appreciate the scripts they use to make the game play fun!

Over the years we have came back and forth to ScriptUO to see if there would be a fully working EasyUO type system.  Now a days, well.. we are using completely different clients like OrionUO or ClassicUO w/RE! 

So we have joined ScriptUO to see what works many folks have done that will enhance the modern UO client options.

New member introductions / Re: New Member Introduction
« Last post by gimlet on June 20, 2024, 07:16:30 AM »

New member introductions / Re: New Member Introduction
« Last post by Sbalzo on June 19, 2024, 11:25:34 PM »
Thanks  ;) Happy to be in your comunity
New member introductions / Re: New Member Introduction
« Last post by Crisis on June 19, 2024, 05:39:19 PM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
New member introductions / New Member Introduction
« Last post by Sbalzo on June 19, 2024, 04:52:00 AM »
Hi, i,m Sbalzo, i play at UO from 1997, my first server was Midian, an italian server. i played along there, for almost 6 years then the shard was closed and i'm go on UODreams until 2013.
In the 2013 i stopped my game and i resumed it this year.
More is changed in the past years from my first time on UO, game dynamics, and roleplay. today my main pg is a necro mage, and the second a Tank with swordmanship and doubeaxe but i'd like to try other template.
i'm in search of script and this is the only resource that can help a nostalgic UO player like me, the referal point for an addicted of this game that is, the father of all MMORPG that today are online. The only game that, at 30 years from the creation, result actual and imbeatable.
Good Game to all and sorry for my bad english.
New member introductions / Re: Feels like stepping back into the fun times!
« Last post by Crisis on June 14, 2024, 09:18:23 AM »
Welcome to SUO!
New member introductions / Re: Feels like stepping back into the fun times!
« Last post by lxgfusion on June 13, 2024, 09:22:53 PM »
Thanks for the welcome :)
New member introductions / Re: Feels like stepping back into the fun times!
« Last post by gimlet on June 13, 2024, 06:29:43 PM »

A Very Warm Welcome!

Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!


New member introductions / Feels like stepping back into the fun times!
« Last post by lxgfusion on June 13, 2024, 01:57:33 PM »
Hi all!

My name is lxgfusion, and I am thrilled to be back in the world of Ultima Online! I'm currently 46 years old and am rediscovering the game after being away since the Tokuno patch. Back in the day, I played UO for 12 years and had 5-10 accounts active at once between me and my girl at the time. Those were some amazing times filled with adventure on the official Lake Superior shard on the official servers.

Just now getting back into UO on a freeshard. Now, I'm diving back into the game with the same enthusiasm and excitement as when I first started. I can't wait to explore all the changes and new content that have been added over the years,  Also looking for this to assist with a new neurological condition that has come up and has crippled my mouse and keyboard use for long periods.

When I'm not immersed in UO, I enjoy a few other hobbies (when time and my hands permit!). I love gaming in general, and it's always been a big part of my life. Outside of gaming, I enjoy spending time with friends and family or out riding my motorcycle.

In my previous stints, I did manage to achieve multiple 7x characters and own several houses by myself, Although i have a few goals i would like to complete this time around that i did not do before. I'm particularly excited about playing templates I've never tried before, like a tamer.

Thanks for your time!

Warm regards,
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