Ultima Online Fan Board => Player Templates => Topic started by: Cerveza on August 13, 2010, 11:31:07 AM
Saw this over at Stratics and thought it might be worth building:
120 Macing (could be anything, but macing is cheap and black staffs rule)
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
90 Healing
120 Focus
120 Mysticism
70 Chivalry
The idea is to go stone form for the curse immunities and the increased resistances. Also capable of tossing out a rising colossus or some of the other myst stuff like that healing rock thing.
With healing, it's usable in a "group effort" with other cross healers as well.
Maybe the ultimate tank?
You wouldn't even need healing. Pots/healing from myst and 4/6 chiv... with 120 focus. That opens up 90 more usable points.
True, but I plan on using the char "in a group" ;) so healing will stay for x-healing the others.
The hard part will be getting a suit together. 100% LRC, 40% LMC, and all the regular stuff, but the resists will have to be like 80's across to take advantage of the stone form.
Its not hard to build the suit, it's hard to build it with 45 hit/defense tho. :) And all those things. I'll have to let you test my new group functionality out soon. :)
I built the temp 2 months ago Cerv.
You only need 65 resists, because you bump to 75 across when you stone form.
Oh, that's right! Forgot about the stoner bump!! heh
VERY doable, I can work in the DCI and maybe some of the HCI as well :)
Personaly id go this way with it : if u have 720 skill pts
120 Weapon Skill archery is fun with this template as well
120 Mysticism
120 Focus
90 Tatics all u need to do specials anymore is waist damage can be made up with items if done right
90 healing only get 2 to 5 pts diffent between 90 and 100 healing
60 anatomy can cure poison use ring braclet to get u to 85 when u need to ress someone total of 600 pts used
so here is the fun part know u have 120 pts to play with we could do ninjitsu,bushido,spellweaving,and alcemy or what ever else comes to mind i personaly chose spellweaving for shits and guigles essence of wind somone they start crying anyways
Hey cerv did u ever try this temp? i seen a mace/myst temp similar to this one tanking a slasher alone and was wanderin how it went for u? im not sure wat his exact temp was i dont think he went 120 on anything tho. if u did try it wat weapons gear etc did u use. :P thx
I have it complete except for the macing which is around 112 now.
I haven't gotten around to the suit yet, still waiting on some imbuing ingreds to complete it. Used the char a few times goofing around with my sampire and they work fairly awesome together.
*I've been doing the Rats in the Abyss with this char using The Impaler's Pick ( and it works awesome. I also made up a generic Black Staff to use with the char for the Whirl Wind. It works well on lower level stuff but just doesn't pack the punch that the Pick does. And I got one of those Ranger Augmentation Cloaks with the 5% SSI to help offset the slower attack due to Stone Form.
Personaly id go this way with it : if u have 720 skill pts
120 Weapon Skill archery is fun with this template as well
120 Mysticism
120 Focus
90 Tatics all u need to do specials anymore is waist damage can be made up with items if done right
90 healing only get 2 to 5 pts diffent between 90 and 100 healing
60 anatomy can cure poison use ring braclet to get u to 85 when u need to ress someone total of 600 pts used
so here is the fun part know u have 120 pts to play with we could do ninjitsu,bushido,spellweaving,and alcemy or what ever else comes to mind i personaly chose spellweaving for shits and guigles essence of wind somone they start crying anyways
No Chiv? Hmmm.... Tough to farm the bigger mobs without chiv....
Bush or Resist
Thats the template for PvP archers. Seems to be a rocking template.
Myst seems so mana intensive that you'd have nothing left for Archery... Whats the combo's being used?
They have not complained about that at all. Like 5 of them now. I think they are running good suits more suiting to a mage. Seems to be working well in the Yew trailer park.
awesome im doin the exact same thing now in the abyss at the rat far so good..i thought about runnin both my accounts usin the new myst char and another healin dexer temp and runnin a crosshealin script for it. is there one of those on this site that i may have overlooked? or would it be a difficult script to write to just xheal 2 accounts? i would really enjoy writin scripts and it seems like it should be a easy one to write if u could point me in the right direction or something.. thank you
Myst seems so mana intensive that you'd have nothing left for Archery... Whats the combo's being used?
The combo is to enchant your comp bow that already has velocity on it with a second hit spell. Also, load up a spell trigger with bombard on it. Then you precast spell plague, run up to someone, plague them/AI/AI/Spell Trigger bombard.
You run protection on also, so if they last and you want to plague them again, you won't get disrupted while casting it.
i just thought about it...wat would be the benefit of goin 120 myst instead of 110? keep the 120 focus and maybe use the 10 points from myst somewere else
I think the resists from stone form are based on Myst+Focus?
If your using it for pvp, make sure you run with protection scrolls on you as they will purge it off you, and without magery you wont be able to jump back into it easily... But this temp works great in pvp and champ spawning.
your right at 110 myst 120 focus and only get 9 to each resist and a max of 74
The average of Myst and Focus || Imbue affects both your bonus and cap for resists in stone form.
Everything takes a hit with lower mysticism. It isn't like magery. It's more like magery + eval in a way.
Your resists in stone form take a hit.
Your ability to not be affected by curse (like from Slasher) takes a hit.
Your ability to not be poisoned (like from Miasma) takes a hit.
You have less options for your spell trigger.
Your Rising Colossus is weaker and doesn't last as long..
You have less of a chance for purge/sleep to work.
Cleansing winds heals less damage.
All your damage spells are reduced.
You can get away with 110 mysticism, but if you're putting it on your farmer, can't you make back the 10-14m you'd spend on a scroll pretty quickly anyway and enjoy the full perks of a Legendary Mystic?
ok whats a good suit to run with this :)...iv been over it trin to decide wat all u need in a suit lrc or mr or watever...also is puttin in the basilik chest piece or the tinker legs in it a good idea? just trin to think of wat would be best
Bushido 120
Chivalry 50
Focus 120
Our wep skill 120 [swords-scimitar]
Mystic 120
tact 90
parry 100
this is mostly a large group build with the scimitar you can to whirlwind and hit multi people.
you need a lot of lower manna, manna reg and hp reg With out healing bushido makes up for that with high hp reg and life leach on weapon.
also with a lot of the mystic skill you get a healing spell and summon and sleep rules on those champs that are tough with only 3 people.
120 Wep skill
120 Anatomy
120 Focus
120 Mysticism
100 Healing
95 Resisting spells
45 Chivalry
im enjoying this one under an arena setting
sub out resists spells for eval int
group always makes me bring out the stone sword ;D
Why eval? does that boost up mysticism?