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Messages - Twisted1851

Pages: [1] 2
12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's Poisoning Trainer
« on: November 06, 2011, 03:13:42 PM »
Something I could use some help with, I'm trying to poison a dagger thats in my HAND, in my paperdoll, rather than in my backpack, and I tried changing the C_, to P_, but now It's saying That is too far away or something. Help please!

12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's Poisoning Trainer
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:48:51 AM »
Nevermind. It really doesn't use enough cure or heals to

12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's Poisoning Trainer
« on: November 06, 2011, 12:20:55 AM »
Is there any chance we can see a function implemented to use magery as a means of curing, rather than cure pots, so as to save resources?

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client Art Patcher
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:06:49 PM »
I think a lot of people would really like to see this thing up and running again, I know I would! Especially with all the damn patching EA is doing now! What's going on with it?

Misc. Scripts / Re: TrailMyx's Buy Agent Subs
« on: October 23, 2011, 04:24:01 PM »
Could someone help me figure out how to make this buy from 7 faction bottle vendors? I tried setting it up, but after trying to buy 1 set of bottles from one npc, and failing, it gave up. Thanks!

I feel as though we have strayed from the topic? lol!

ty gimlet! I guess I didn't search well enough for that! =)

Why would you need to see other people as humans?  You can still see if someone is in spell range quite clearly.

Perhaps he's on a 1 tile Dexxer ???   The verticle displacement of a flying gargoyle makes it hard to determine EXACTLY which tile they are on & when coupled with the LARGE wing animations it's kinda a pita!
This is the EXACT reason!

Any chance this could be set up to use a soulstone frag? I tried adding the object type of the fragment along with the full soulstones, but there is still no available training methods showing up...

You find anything out gimlet?

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client Art Patcher
« on: October 07, 2011, 02:02:37 AM »
Any news on when this will be available again?

Script Debug / Re: Gump changes, I'm a newbie!
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:26:24 PM »
thanks guys! I figured out the positioning, although i would be interested to learn more about how the #contposx + %x works exactly...

I think you are looking at cromes post, and below the picture where it says,
Later in a good Code your Sub doing #contposx + %x

Might there be some confusion as to what the %x means to you Twisted?  
It threw me for a loop for a second also...  but being a hack like myself, I think the ( %x ) in his explanation just means a number.  

Correct me if I'm wrong though here scripter gods... but the #contposx and #contposy always equal 0 0 relative to the button... wherever the gump is on the screen...  

Therefore... if the #contposx = 30  and the #contposy = 30, then  you are just adding 30 to each number where the button is if the #contposx & #contposy were 0.

now going back to your original post...
Code: [Select]
gosub click_offset 25 270 ; Clicks Other
wait 15

you could write the first line like this:

Code: [Select]
set %clickx #contposx + 25
set %clicky #contposy + 270
click %clickx %clicky

there are hundreds of these types of things, when asking for help you think %x means code that you don't know, when really you are just over thinking it, and programmers just use that for example cause they know what they are talking about and we don't. lol...
Thank you sir, that makes sense. You're right, just over thinking. ++

Script Debug / Re: Gump changes, I'm a newbie!
« on: September 27, 2011, 06:01:43 PM »
seems like does that offset work where ever the gump is on screen? it seems most the crafting scripts will work anywhere on screen with the gump, is that set the way you described? or is there a method to find the button relative to itself?

awesome thank you! Yeah the bodyconv.def change didn't do anything

i've been playing with this for awhile and still no luck. editing gargoyle male and female in bodyconv.def and no luck. please someone help! so frustrating!

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