or just do what all the other "Cheaters" do and mod your client to make those items passable...
I resent this...
When people get wise enough to figure out "Hey if they try to rubberband through again, we can just trap them!
And actually this can BECOME a bannable offense. I've seen it happen in the past (I have been factioning since it was released in the Test Realms) You can either 1. Have a multitude of people page about blocking, or 2. Get killed in the middle of the objects (Which method you prefer to us as a means of getting INTO them is up to you) then claim that the opposing faction refuses to let you out, and that help stuck will not work.
You ARE allowed to block faction bases with whatever you like. You are NOT allowed to "completely" block gates/dungeons/harrys/spawns, whatever, with blocking items. A one space tile is required at those areas.
Again, as Twinkle McNugget said, blocking the faction base with ANYTHING you want is NOT a bannable offense. You can completely block a faction base entrance with 125 candelabras on evey single tile, it is allowed in faction bases... but in faction bases ONLY. It does not matter how many people page, because it is NOT illegal.
And while we are throwing around "how long we have been playing", I have been playing the game since beta and factions on and off since they were initially released
I have seen lots of things happen in the past... that does not make them true today. Also some things, including bans, that happened in the past were chiefly because a GM was a member of the guild or faction that was doing the paging. I have personally played in a guild with a GM in the past... lets just say that we had complete freedom to do anything we wanted.
I wish i had a GM friend today! lol