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Messages - seeriusly

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
UO Bragging Rights / Re: BLAZE!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 01, 2009, 03:24:39 PM »
  What's the best/fastest way to kill through the spawn???  I always wanted to try...  I did it for a few hours one week, that's all I could take.  Was taming them and attacking wild ones.

UO Bragging Rights / Re: Seemed appropriate for this section...
« on: August 01, 2009, 03:18:43 PM »
hahaha DOH!!!   ???

Beverages / JaegerBOMBS!!!!
« on: August 01, 2009, 03:17:59 PM »
  I usually can't drink much.  I dont really enjoy the next day and conclude that it's not fun. 

But when I do...  I can down some jaeger and redbull!!  Not real smooth, but keeps you energized.  Or me at least.  The only other thing I like is Bud Light.  Actually I lied,  I like saporo, TsingTao and a few other imports, but they taste like a$$ out here cause nobody drinks them.  They sit on the bottom of the fridge and the LQ store coated in dust, so it's pretty easy to pass up.  I think it's the altitude really that makes it suck so bad.  I'm originally from southern cali where any beer tastes good, especially the mexican beer, I dunno though.

UO Bragging Rights / Seemed appropriate for this section...
« on: August 01, 2009, 03:10:09 PM »
  Now that SL's have cleared out,  I will let you all know that I ONLY got about 25 Mempos, chars hold 3, sold probably 10, Have 12 in a box somewhere next to the 83 cloaks I received.  Got a box and 3/4 of another full of dyes too, 20+ of each color.  MUHAHAHA

I used 2 tamers for each one, on 2 pc's.  They both had on 1700+ luck, don't know if that helped, but sometimes I'd walk home with 2 mempos in my pack.  I made a script after I got the id, to say all kill and target him and say Armageddon.  Well didn't make a script...  Used someones, clipped some stuff out, and practiced on OL's while I got the trial and error out of it.  Because I have no idea how you guys do it...  yet.   >:(  All in all I am happy to have made over 150 mil in the beggining of this event, and now will sit on these and sell them every now and then for more than the first ones.  ^^

/rubbing it in.

Site News / Re: The next expansion (SA?)
« on: August 01, 2009, 02:58:19 PM »
Well...  I downloaded the HUUUUGE new client, played it for about 10 minutes, which was how long it took me to make one single macro, and I went STRAIGHT to the forums to gripe about it.  Then I noticed I had a beta code in my email, from weeks prior, and was so excited...  hahaha I dunno.  Then I finally realized there was a 2d CLIENT!!!  It WAS ON!!!


The new stuff is neat!  Haven't got to play around with the new skills or templates, I spent my first few days getting a char and dragon like the ones I like to play, to see where i need to go, and what i need for new peerless's and where I can place new houses etc, etc...

The only thing that annoys the hell outta me, is this.  You know when a dragon is stuck, flapping its wings trying to get to its owner?  First thing out of impulse you try to do is invis it right?  OMG the gargs flapping their wings constantly while they are at their bank and such, totally pisses me off.

All in all, I think everyone will enjoy it, for at least another couple years...  New stuff,  new things to do.  Quests out the yang... Items, of course, all the new items we wil strive to get first...  I think you all will change your mind.

And nothing gets to me more, than NOT being able to do ANYTHING in game.  PVP is pretty much my last obstacle.

I'm a pretty accomplished pvper. :)  I can help ya out if you have questions.

I will keep that in mind, Thanks!  I'm on pacific, the closest I came to PVP was a buddy and I made twin girl thiefs, same names, dress everything, and was such a blast run and hide, then the other twin pop out and keep running.  That was before AOS though.  Actually I did make a swordsman, pvp'd a little but couldn't hang.  Got frusterated really...  I could do it if I put my mind to it, it's just all the macros I would need, I never know where to start.  I get my butt kicked with regular pvm on hard targets, so it discourages me I guess.  I just played tamer's for the majority of the time, and didn't give a dexxer the right amount of learning time.


Where in Colorado? The wife and I are just accross the border in Laramie Wy.

Actually not too far...  Loveland, Colorado.

Geckos eat bugs.  I love Geckos.  I lived in Hawaii for a year.  Geckos live in the house with you there.  Cockroaches are a SERIOUS problem in Hawaii, so Geckos are your friend. :)

I have to mix up these guys food...  I dont feed them bugs anymore, because they need essential vitamins.  Like I said, very high maintenance. hehe

i dated a guy who used to raise flying geckos. that was a trip. they were cool.

and about that PvP, you will find many of them here, and scripts to help you out with those cheaters  ;)/

Oh no!! I couldn't imagine them flying around... lol (me thinx they dont really fly, but glide rather...)  But still!!!
And nothing gets to me more, than NOT being able to do ANYTHING in game.  PVP is pretty much my last obstacle.

Thanks guys...  Happy to be here.

  The gecko thing.. yeah kinda strange.  Keeps me occupied though and gives me a break from UO sometimes haha!

  Hello,  veteran UO Addict here since '97.  I use another computer to do all the tedious, though most rewarding parts of the game , while playing on my main pc.  I can usually figure out scripts, though cannot write, or haven't tried really.  I am capable of figuring out what I need to add, and little stuff like that to accomodate them to my specific needs.  And I look forward to trying out some scripts that I can't try out on other sites.  

Happy to have found this site, and can't wait to utilize it's advantages to the game in which I am addicted.

Thanks!  Seeriusly  ;D


After reading everyone elses intro... OMG what a noob I am lol.

I will add to my previous LAME excuse of an intro... 

First off I am 28 from colorado.  I work with natural gas pipeline, connecting it from the oil wells, to natural gas companies' high pressure lines.  We weld on gas lines that are leaking pure methane liquid and gases.  Sometimes gets to be an adrenaline rush, filling the air full of flames!! Work is slow, so I now have one extra day a week to play UO!  I dont know if that's a good thing or not! haha...

My favorite characters are bard tamers, thieves, and necro/mage/weaver.  I have like 8 accounts, some I have acquired from old friends which have all good characters, including reds that I WISH I could play.  I want to get into PVP, but it seems all of them cheat so much, it's hard to compete.  I have almost every skill available stoned, and like to switch them up every now and again when the everyday UO gets dull.

I use 2 computers, and can do most of the Peerlesses alone, all but Paroxymous.  Lately have been spending a lot of time in SA beta testing however.  First time I got the invite out of several attempts.  It's fun and can't wait for it to be public.

To top it off, A hobby of mine is breeding crested geckos.  I have 10 Geckos and 13 eggs.  They are found wild on only one island off the coast of Austrailia.  They consume a lot of time and care, but are neat to observe.

Once again, I am an avid UO addict, and like to help others and will be happy to give all the feedback I can on the scripts you writers have spent numerous hours on.  We appreciate your hard work and diligence!!

Until next time,

Take 'er easy!!


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