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Topics - Albus

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New member introductions / My Family, My Home.
« on: October 09, 2018, 05:58:25 PM »
Hello citizens of Britannia.

My name is Albus, I'm currently aging at a rapid rate it feels and am 27 for the moment. I spend most of my days working at a Saw Mill driving a forklift and weirdly find it super satisfying to come home to Ultima Online. I've made so many awesome friends in life playing Ultima Online, some I've found out only live a short drive away from me, others that were on the other side of the world but still felt like family. Here I am looking for more friends and family to share my nostalgic joy with.

It was about when I was 9 my father had his own account and he was doing certain things I don't think he was allowed to be doing. He said it was ok under certain circumstances. I remember he had to run to the store and had me sit at the computer and told me, if a man appears on the boat to press this button that said stop and to reply to this person and have a chat with him. No man ever appeared but I was fascinated with the boat, the spells he was casting, the robes and the wizard hat. The awesome Mare that was his bonded mount. I went into an avalanche of questions so much that he actually gave is 9 year old son a character slot and made my first ever toon Dumbledore. What a world it was to a child Britannia, so amazing, to this day anytime I pour a glass of tea the sound the tea makes going into the glass always sounds like filling empty bottles from a keg.

I currently reside to a shard known as Paradise Found. I'm super enjoying it. Truth be told Ultima Online is the best thing in my life second only to my wife.  :P 


Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

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