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New member introductions / New member clay
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:22:23 PM »
Hello everyone,

     Came across this website for the first time in my UO career today.  Been using euo for who knows how many years writing some of my own scripts (in small simple doses) and learning a lot from how others wrote their scripts.  Been playing UO off and on for quite a long time.  I don't know the exact dates but I started when precast explosion, equip the halberd and attack was the normal thing to do.  Since then I have started and stopped playing plenty of times.  I play on Chesapeake and Lake Austin and have transferred my characters between those shards.  Usually play mage based characters with either a fighting skill or scribe / poisoning.  I have a few types of dexxers but they have never been my favorite.  PvP is my favorite area of the game usually but when that's not happening I enjoy writing small scripts that make things just slightly easier for me in the UO world.

     Recently I have been writing longer scripts then I have in the past that well slowly after I find all the bugs in them run kinda smooth however I am looking to improve my knowledge of how to write these scripts hopefully one day I may write a script that other people would have a interest in using.

Glad I could find this website and I look forward to my future here.

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