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Topics - Murzam

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello Murzams introduction!
« on: May 06, 2021, 02:02:10 PM »
Hello my name is Murzam(My main for just about every game I have played since 1998) I have been an on and off again Ultima player since 1998. I prefer to play a dexer when possible in UO. I do not much enjoy crafting but it seems more viable to do it yourself especially if you play any OSI server other than ATL these days. (given the prices there maybe even there)However I wound up here because I do not have endless hours to spend gathering resources, Id rather spend my free time hunting monsters. So here I am looking for scripts to help alleviate some of the tedious bits of gathering materials. I am pretty new to scripting in general and I hope this community proves patient and helpful for folks such as me. I look forward to getting to know some of you and hopefully forging some lasting connections that are beneficial both ways!

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