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Topics - mastermind558

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / They Always Come Home
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:07:10 PM »
Hello everyone,
My name is mastermind I started in the grand world of ultima back in 1999 Ultima started out for me as a way to keep in better contact and spend time with my brother after our parents divorced. This was back the days of good ol dial up no cell phone just hop on and look around town for your friends or family truly the good ol days lag and all. Ultima online was my first introduction to and MMO at the ripe age of 10 years old. I stuck around on ultima for about 5 or 6 years I'm sad to say I then left and moved on to other games for a number of years. However as the title says they always come home and now I'm back, throughout the years Ultima has always been in the back of my head calling me back I attempted to return once prior to this however getting my accounts back proved difficult, as it has become and easier process I have gotten them back and am in the process of recollecting all my old items and rares as well as collecting new ones in the process. I am looking forward to sticking around for an indefinite period because why? Ultima online is my internet home and always has been just sometimes you have to leave home to know how much you miss it.

Napa Valley from day one till death

Thank you for having me

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