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Topics - Th3Ma5hatt3r

Pages: [1]
Stealth archive / Python not returning the right object?
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:38:47 AM »
I'm using a simple function to try to see if there are any players close by. It should return true at the closest player and it works for the most part. If I run the code below it will find the closest player to me than if I move closer to a different player, but the last found player is still visible. It will return the last found player every time and not the closest player, until the last found player leaves or is to far away. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

Code: [Select]
# This is a list of friendly player types.
Friendly_Player_Types = [0x0190, 0x0191, 0x02EC, 0x02EB, 0x007B]

def ScanForPlayer(ScanDistance):
FindTypeEx(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, Ground(), False)
PossiblePlayers = GetFindedList()

for player in PossiblePlayers:
playerType = GetType(player)
playerNotoriety = GetNotoriety(player)
print('Found Object - Name: ['+GetName(player)+'] Type: ['+str(playerType)+'] Notoriety: ['+str(playerNotoriety)+'].')
if not(IsNPC(player)):
elif playerType not in Friendly_Player_Types:
elif player == Self():
elif playerNotoriety != 1:
print('Found nearby Player: ['+GetName(player)+'].')
return True
return False

Timer = GetTickCount()
foundPlayer = ScanForPlayer(10)
print('Search Time Took: ['+str(GetTickCount() - Timer)+'] in milliseconds.')
if foundPlayer:
print('Found a player.')
print("Didn't find a player.")

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Stealth archive / GUI for Stealth Script?
« on: March 12, 2014, 03:14:59 PM »
Hello, I was curious if anyone had an example of GUI for python scripts or even C# would work too. I have been looking at all of the examples and I can only seem to find Neo's scripts for 1.1v but TST for pascal is no longer supported in Stealth. So I was curious what other people are using for GUI for their scripts?

New member introductions / You've been killed by cookie monster.
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:58:26 AM »
Hello Everyone!
I've been playing Ultima Online since 1997, but I didn't get anywhere in the game until later due being so young and having such a short attention span. Around 2004 I started playing the game a lot more and that is when my experience in UO really got going. I started off as a mage and I remember having such a hard time getting started. I spent almost my whole OSI UO career on the LS server. Anyone remember getting killed by the PK 'Cookie Monster' on LS? I do. I remember dying to him/his guild all the time, I lost so much stuff to them. I even remember at one point looking at the bounty board and seeing that he had over 1 million bounty on his head and being amazed.

Eventually I took a break from hunting in UO as a mage/tamer and started getting involved in PVP. I had been PKed a lot before and it never really appealed to me (Usually made me rage, **** you COOKIE MONSTER)  :'(. I got into 1 on 1 mage dueling a lot and eventually got really good at it. Even joined one of the top PVP guilds at the time, and every month or so our guild would pay gold for the whole guild to transfer servers to fight new guilds. It was an extremely fun! No other PVP aspect of a MMORPG has come close to that experience since than. Now I only play Freeshards and enjoy the scripting aspect of the game though things like EasyUO, OpenEUO and Stealth.

A little about myself, I work full time for a software company that develops software to perform automated black box tests on applications. I enjoy developing software both at work and at home. I have developed a lot of different applications and scripts over the years for many different things, but there is always more to learn and develop. Thats why I am here.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

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